
Cat accidentally hit in head with hammer... Help Please?

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I need some advice. My cat was accidently hit in the head with a hammer and she seems to be hurt bad. I'm afraid to bring her into the vet because my neighbors autistic child may be in trouble if the vet reports it. Is there anything I can do to help my cat? She's not bleeding, but meows weird and runs into walls a lot. She also lost control of her bodily functions and does not use the litter box.





  2. kitty needs to go to the vet! ASAP! Good Luck!

  3. Honestly???

    I wouldn't give a **** for that kid. He hit your cat!! Yeah granted, he is sick but she should've been supervised. And if something happens to your cat, then what? YOU COULD GET IN TROUBLE FOR NOT PROVIDING MEDICAL ATTENTION.


  4. Take her to the vet RIGHT now!

    I'm sure your neighbor didn't do it on purpose, but he will be scolded and probably punished, but he won't get sent to military school!

    Take her! It's practically abuse if she doesn't see a vet /right away!/

  5. Doesn't sound good for kitty...  Poor baby.   You need to take her to the vet anyway.  It is the right thing to do.  I can tell you that from my own experience at our ER Hospital (VETS)  we would not - in your situation, unless it was something that you were coming in for over and over again... - repeat not report it to anyone.   Your situation is unique although disturbing that it happened.  I am sure some will criticize you for not watching out for both cat and child more closely.  Next time you will know.

    But as for now,  TIME is NOT ON YOUR SIDE.  Please just take kitty in and help it the best you can.   It most likely has a very serious head injury.

    Prayers are with you.

  6. Try another hit or two on the head with the hammer. This should put a stop to the problems. You may want to hit the autistic kid with your hammer also......they like it! ;)

  7. o wow, i understand not wanting to get your neighbors child into trouble, it was an accident, right? i think you really should go to a vet, before its to late, it sounds like brain damage and it needs to be checked on, hope everything will be ok for you, your friend trish

  8. I think you are winding me up!

    How the h**l can that be an accident!!!!!

    Your cat may die so get it to the vet. B*****ks to the kid>

  9. Not taking her to the vet is simply cruel and irresponsible.  There's no need to put the blame on anyone if it truly was an accident.

    Good Luck!

    Note:  Given that school is out, I do have to wonder about this certainly have received the attention you were looking for.  If it is isn't a prank, get off the computer and take care of the cat.

  10. Get to the vet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Your cat seams to have a brain Injury! I would take him NOW! It was an accident so he won't get in trouble

    Good Luck

  12. Don't ask for help here...take the cat to the vet!

  13. Your cat has a life-threatening brain injury with brain swelling. Its skull is probably partially caved in as well.

    TAKE YOUR PET TO THE VET IMMEDIATELY. You are responsible for your cat's welfare. Why  and where would the veterinarian report an accident? Just tell the truth.

  14. I would be more worried about my cat than a kid. She could have some serious injuries.

  15. I think you know the answer to this question. Your cat is in need of immediate medical care. No one accidentally hits a cat in the head with a hammer. Whether it was done with intent to hurt the cat who can say, but there needs to be some ramification of a child deliberately hurting a cat whether mentally ill or not. The child is not your responsibility, but the cat is. Take care of your own and let the parents of the child take care of it. Get your cat the help it needs. BTW why are you not allowing your Q&As to be viewed?

    ******Bob K*********I bet Mr. Sniffy votes you as best answer as I think he likes you best. Interesting that you only seem to answer his questions and he always votes you as best answer. You guys got something going on do you? 64% best answer rating and all of them from him. Hmmm

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