
Cat and dog help!!!?

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i just moved to my dads house and brought my dog. she's a yorkie maltese mix. however my dad has a cat and im not sure how my dog will react. when she usually meets new dogs she can snip and she used to bark at cats at my old house but shes never really met one... wat should i dads cat is an out door cat so she's not declawed and im scared that they're gonna get in a fight and one will get hurt....any tips?? HELP!!




  1. make sure they calmly sniff each other. if it looks like WAR! then move them away from each other. Over time, they will soften and (maybe) be friends.

  2. Put your dog in your bedroom and leave the door shut for a few days.  This way the cat won't feel as threatened and they'll get a little time to sniff each other out before the face to face meeting.

  3. they may very well have a go at it. However I can pretty much bet that one scratch on the nose from the cat will pretty much earn alot of respect from the dog!

  4. Have each one of them on a leash and introduce them to each other slowly let them hang around each other but keep them where they cant fight until they get used to each other.

  5. I think the only thing you can do is to let what happens happen.. Neither one of you want to give away your dog or cat, so you are going to have to make it adaptable. I know that my Whippet goes crazy when we are at my mothers house due to her cat.. Nothing we can do to make it peaceful. I think the only thing that works is if you would have let them grow up together from day one, they would have seen each other as a pack not enemies. Good luck!!

    I just know going on what I have dealt with and witnessed that to make it work they would have had to grown up together from the start.. Sorry
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