
Cat attacks cockatiel crack on beak missing feathers skin showing???

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Cat attacks cockatiel crack on beak missing feathers skin showing???




  1. you should see a vet

  2. what are you asking...

  3. maybe you should discipline the cat to make sure it doesn't do it again

  4. You should take your bird to the vet immediately.  A cracked beak can be serious and result in problems with the bird feeding properly!

  5. you dont take good care of your pets

  6. If it has a crack on the beak, see the vet to be sure it will not break off and that there is no infection or further injury to the beak.  Feathers will grow back

  7. When cats attack, their is a possibility of infection from the cat's saliva, which contain dangerous bacteria.  The cracked beak needs to be checked by a vet as well.

    On the whole, you need to take the bird to the vet.

    Put your bird in a darker container, such as a bird carrier covered by a towel or even a cardboard box if necessary.  Take the bird immediately to the vet.

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