
Cat/bee sting ? What do i do ?

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indoor cat snuck past me out patio door since she doesnt run away i thought i would watch her for a minute but she pounced on something and i believe she got stung (live in northern illinois so culprits would be yellow jackets , wasps or honey bees ) she has shown no sign of any reaction swelling or any respiratory distress vet suggested a dose of a antihistamine and cold compress i feel bad for her discomfort anything i can do ?




  1. Do what the vet recommended.  The cold compress should relieve any discomfort nicely. The antihistamine will prevent any possible allergic reaction, and provided a few hours of sedation during which which the pain will subside.

  2. There isn't any otc pain reliever that you can give, aspirin and tylenol can be toxic! If you have ever been stung you will know that the pain only lasts a short amount of time.  Give the antihistamine(benadryl?) just to prevent a reaction or counteract one for a few days and your cat will be fine.

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