
Cat bit me and now it seems to keep on going after me. it is a house cat and has not had shots in 2 years. ?

by  |  earlier

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this is my girls' cat and well it is her cat or me cause i am not going to worry about walking by something this cat is under and getting me cause it would be the second time and well! this cat has been throwing up and making a weird noise like it is mad or even more? this cat does not go after anyone else well there is no one that is around for it too go after. i am in boston,ma and does anyone know of a place where we can get free shots / and/or place to get this cat fixed and/or put it down? please my girl is balling her eyes out




  1. I'm said your girl is balling her eyes out..and you want to know where you can get free shots, have the cat fixed or put down ??? The cat should have been fixed at 6 months not 2 years, you would not be running into these issues if you would have done it then.   Now you are at the point where you want the cat to be put down???? The cats behaviour is your fault, you were negligent as an owner.

  2. Obviously this cat is sick and when some cats become ill, they will attack out of fear. Animals have a fight or flight reaction which they use when they are scared.

    This cat is in pain! If he is throwing up and growling, he needs to be seen immediately by an emergency clinic. Your girlfriend seems to be highly stressed out, which I can understand.

    Here is a link to several emergency services in the Boston area. Call them and tell them what is going on, and get some help for this kitty.

    Cats don't generally "attack" for no reason. Just imagine if you were really sick, and frightened.

    Take care of this cat, please.


    Owed by many cats for the past 40 years

    Freelance writer/blogger for

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