
Cat can't stay off table!!!?

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My brothers cat is a fat cat all she does is sleep on the table all day she even watches me eat my breakfast in the morning!! I just wanna throw that cat out the window lol sorry. Also when my grandmother feeds her in the twice a day that cat begs for more she meows like crazy! How can I keep her off the table and begging for food so much!!




  1. try using a small water gun.thats what i did when my cat kept getting on the table.he stopped as soon as i started.

  2. depends on how old the cat is if she has been sleeping and getting on the table all her life,nothing you or anyone else can do to change her. probably best you go eat your food some where else away from the cat if it bothers you that much.

  3. i have no idea just stop feeding her snacks and dont give in  

  4. You probably can't unless everyone in your household is involved in training her. If she gets food and snacks from one person, she'll try everyone.

  5. Get a clean squirt bottle, fill it with water, and whenever the cat gets up on the table, squirt her in the face.  It won't hurt her, but she will learn that the table is a no-no.  

    And when you're done feeding her, take her food dish and put it away once the food is gone, that way she understands that there won't be anymore.  Also, make sure she is getting enough to eat.  

    Good luck, cats are creatures of habit, but if the squirt bottle doesn't work, I don't know what will.

  6. a) the cat has no concept that the table should be off limits.  that just does not make sense in her world.    If your grandmother wants her off the table, then it is up to her to train her cat to not get up there by using positive reinforcement and giving the cat an appropriate place to sit up off the floor.

    b) a cat begging for food might have a health issue.  or she is probably feeding dry food which is low in nutrients so the cat might actually be malnourished.  but this is a discussion for the person who feeds the cat.

    c) your trying to make a joke out of 'throwing the cat out the window" is beyond offensive.  How about we just throw you out the window?  funny isn't it?  The cat is a member of the family and is a living breathing feeling soul.  I hope you grow up and learn to accept what caring for a pet means.

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