
Cat check-up questions.?

by  |  earlier

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So, I just made an appointment with the vet to get my cat checked up. He is 1 and I got him a few months ago and the person who gave me him didn't tell me anything about his check-ups. She said he had his shots, but I want to bring him for a check-up. to They said it costs 38 dollars. I was wondering, is there tax and stuff involved with that? Also, do they charge you on the spot or send you a bill? If they charge you on the spot, I need to know how much money I should bring in case there's the tax and whatnot.




  1. This can depend on where you are from.  I found a long time resident vet who did things the old fashioned way and invoiced you by mail.  The newer clinics usually want to be paid right after the appointment before you leave.  Where I am, there is also tax added.  Phone the vet ahead of time and ask these questions, and then you'll be a lot more confident when you arrive.

  2. You really need to call them and be more direct about the cost and billing.  Also ask what method of payment they accept.

    Perhaps they can not give you an exact quote because they have not examined your cat and his records yet to know just exactly what he will need.  All they can do is tell you "about" what the price of things are but not the total until you have been seen.   My advice if you are on a budget would be to bring about $38.00 plus another $25.00  and explain right up front BEFORE the vet sees you (to the receptionist) that this is what you brought and today's visit is strictly to do a physical and to come up with a plan of action/budget.  The vet will outline what needs to be done and give you a quote.   But who knows, maybe all you really will need is the $38.00 physical after all.  :)

    As far as tax goes - at our hospital - some things were taxed and others were not.  It was very confusing even to us as to what was what and why.  We did not do billing but accepted all forms of payment.  I guess it just depends where you live.

    Good luck.  Remember, communication is the key.  I hope your kitty does well :)

  3. That $38 may just be the visit fee and not include the cost of the shots. When I get my cats shots and I go to my vet that charges visit fees I pay around $75. But somtimes if I know all they need is shots I go to a place called "Affordable pet care" that doesn't charge visit fees and then it only costs like $35-40. You may want to call and ask them what is included in the amount they told you. But even with whatever they tell you, always bring extra. And yes they'll expect you to pay right after the appt.

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