
Cat daemon? wiccans please help.?

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has anyone ever heard of a cat deamon? and i dont mean the golden compus kind. was told i had one but we cant find any info on her. where is the best place to look online?




  1. I'm still researching this question, but OMG there are so many viruses on the websites that have any info.  Just a warning to anyone else who's researching.

    Update: =============

    OK, this helps:

    A demon; A lesser deity between men and gods; One's inner spirit or daimon

    So having a cat daemon means having an inner spirit like a cat.  Probably the speaker was referring to the Golden Compass since that's seems to be popular at the moment.  

    But if you're not interested in that, consider for a moment the myth regarding why a cat is not part of the Chinese horoscope:

    Look for this in the library:




    Cat and Rat by Ed Young.

    This legend tells how the Chinese zodiac came to be. It is also the story of Cat and Rat and why they will always be enemies.

    That should give you some idea of one of the natures of a cat.  There are many more facets from mythology and even contemporary books.

    The word daemon is likely borrowed from computer programming in Unix.  Daemon's in mythology are often malevolent creatures that harm humans, or at least protect sacred areas from human meddling.

    It used to be that witches, thelemites, etc.. focused on the Great Work which is to make yourself desensitized to your fears in order to master yourself completely.  External divination work was supposed to bring you up against yourself so you could identify weak areas and correct them internally.  In this worldview, the Higher Self was more important than anything.  But the Higher Self thinks, so it can't be a daemon.  

    A daemon doesn't think, it is unconsciously activated in the presence of certain stimuli.  Perhaps in situations where you need protection, or comfort.  It's more like a holographic recording that keeps playing whenever someone walks by it.  

    Finally the wiktionary article says that it's one's inner spirit or daimon (sounds a lot like a driving force, doesn't it?).  So I'd add that what they meant by daemon is also that it's your driving force.  

    All of this is a more confused way of saying you need to begin the Great Work if you are to be powerful and comfortable.  But of course, if the wording works better for you, or there is more magic in it this way, then go ahead and use the terminology.  

    You can communicate with your daemon in whatever way you see fit.  Any divination or dream work should bring you into contact.  Keep in mind:

    1. driving force

    2. protector, comfort giver

    ...and do your divination.

  2. try searching for totem or spirit guides instead. Might get you a better lead.

  3. try looking up familiars in Wicca.

  4. I need more info about this cat demon.  I need to know all the facts about it that were told to you about it and a description of what it may look like.  

    The two things I can think of off the top of my head are the Raiju, which is a Japanese lightning demon or the Tjilpa which is a totem animal of the Aboriginal peoples of Australia.

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