
Cat dragged in a baby bird, what do I do with it?

by  |  earlier

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My cat is an idiot, and he dragged in a baby bird.. none of us have touched it.. but we did manage to sweep it up gently into a bowl. It's feathers are just starting to show.. I don't know what the word for this process is.. We want to bring it to the humane society tomorrow when they are open again.. in the mean time.. what do we do to take care of it? Dig up worms? Make the bowl more comfortable? What?

Poor thing is shaking so hard the bowl is vibrating.. please help. :(




  1. It is has any needs to go to a wildlife rehab immediately..cats carry a lot of bacteria in their saliva and infection and death will occur quickly without antibiotic treatment.  Do not feed this bird worms...not ALL birds eat worms..not sure why everyone wants to feed all birds worms!!!  Also, your cat was just doing what comes is not his fault he attacked the is yours.  Your cat should not be allowed outside to kill native wildlife.  Cats take a huge toll on the lives of songbirds..they kill 4.4 million each year just in the US alone.  If the bird has NO wounds and is fully is most likely a fledgling and it's parents are probably around caring for it.  It can be placed outside in a tree or scrub (up away from predators) and you can watch from afar (continually) to see if the parents are caring for it.  If not...get it to a rehab, and if it is mostly also needs to go to a rehab...look here for one near you:

  2. Do you have a vet that may take it, some do?  If not, soak small pieces of bread in water and try feedingit that.  Put blankets under it and on top of it loosely.  I put new babies on a heating pad on low too to keep it warm.  You can buy handfeeding formula from a pet store if you have time for that.  But it needs warmth and food

  3. Put a little blanket in the bowl or transfer him to a box or crate. Then you should get some bread and soak it in some milk or water. you might have to feed him yourself if he doesnt eat. you can use an eyedropper or something to feed him a little water straight into his mouth. because sometimes they are too afraid to eat. Try not to be too loud when you are around him. try to keep it nice calm and quiet :)

    hope this helps.

  4. Well, your cat brought you this bird as a gift, so don't be too mad at him.  Try to give the bird water and leave him some seeds near his bowl.  Also, make his little bowl as warm as possible and call the human society.  If your cat has a crate, put the bird and the bowl in the crate so he doesn't escape around the house.

  5. You can feed it bits of worms and tiny pices of ham.And water with a dropper.

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