
Cat eating his claws?

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I have a black cat that I have had for a few years. He is neutered. Well I just moved to a new house and it's been a week and all of my cats have adjusted, but I noticed that my black cat was picking at his one paw and l*****g it. I noticed he was biting his claws and pulling them off (I guess the outside shells, I don't know) and he was eating them! It freaked me out especially since I was just watching a zombie movie. Is his behavior normal?




  1. yes its perfectly fine. ive had cats that would nibble on their claws and itd make a subtle crunching sound!! as long as hes not literally ripping them out of his paw, it should be fine. actually, a cats claws are deeply attached to their bones and are very hard to remove by their mouth alone. it would be VERY painful if he ate his claws.

  2. Yes, it is pretty normal. He seems like biting but he is actually just removing the old, worn-out claw-sheaths, revealing new pin-sharp claws underneath. Cats use their teeth to chew off the old outer-casings. So, don't worry, he is not turning himself or you into a zombie anytime soon. :)

  3. Check between his toes for bleeding or soreness. If none or he continues until tuesday, call the vet.

  4. Our cat does that all the time. Saves us the trouble of having to pick the sheaths out of the carpet. God bless her.
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