We have a black tom cat named Sid. He is a residence at our barn. Yesterday he came down from the hay loft with a can on his head. The can has metal ends but a cardboard/tin foil body. I was able to corner him and attempt to pull it off but with no luck. He through a fit and ran off. The bottom on the can looks to be clawed off (thanks to the cardboard) so he can breathe but there is no way he can eat.
After the attempt he ran off into the forest. I rattled his food dish and called his name but with no luck. I was told by a few family memebers that he probably wont come back, and or he will die. I know that this is a probable outcome but I like the longer odds better. I am hoping that he will get hungery and come back to the barn to eat. We have a cat carrier ready to place him in and to take him to the vets to assist with the removal of his fashionable can.
I guess what I am asking is, is there any ways you may know about to get a cat to come, beside a food dish or calling them. Also the forest is very large so I doubt there is a chance I can find him there. What do you think his odds are? Do you think he will come back? Is there a way to make the odds better to draw him into the barn? Please, any help is very appreciated.
Thank you in advance!