
Cat emergency please help

by  |  earlier

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We have a black tom cat named Sid. He is a residence at our barn. Yesterday he came down from the hay loft with a can on his head. The can has metal ends but a cardboard/tin foil body. I was able to corner him and attempt to pull it off but with no luck. He through a fit and ran off. The bottom on the can looks to be clawed off (thanks to the cardboard) so he can breathe but there is no way he can eat.

After the attempt he ran off into the forest. I rattled his food dish and called his name but with no luck. I was told by a few family memebers that he probably wont come back, and or he will die. I know that this is a probable outcome but I like the longer odds better. I am hoping that he will get hungery and come back to the barn to eat. We have a cat carrier ready to place him in and to take him to the vets to assist with the removal of his fashionable can.

I guess what I am asking is, is there any ways you may know about to get a cat to come, beside a food dish or calling them. Also the forest is very large so I doubt there is a chance I can find him there. What do you think his odds are? Do you think he will come back? Is there a way to make the odds better to draw him into the barn? Please, any help is very appreciated.

Thank you in advance!




  1. Id phone the RSPCA and they will take the tin of its head.

  2. try some strong smelling food like canned cat food or tuna...something along those lines when he shows up get him.

  3. walk round the woods calling him with a plate of tined macrel or something, it smells real strong!  hope you find him safe and well!

  4. Get in that forest & search for him...

    I once took my house cat of 7years to a caravan park - 47 rows of 10 identical static caravans. She jumped out of the caravan when I went to get something from the car, we didn't see her for 2days but carried on searching & eventually found her hiding under one of the caravans at the opposite end of the park, covered in oil and very very scared. The caravan park was surrounded by fields & we were worried she'd gone forever.

    Don't give up, poor Sid will be hiding somewhere sheltered waiting to be rescued  

  5. I would get animal control to come and help you look for him. He may have got stuck on something in the woods and can't get back to you.

    I just wouldn't give up with out looking and calling for him.

    Good luck, I hope he is alright.

  6. You could try clicking your tongue or going "Pssss. Pssss." when he is near. Best thing to do is call the SPCA near you so they can tranquilize him and get it off.

  7. Darn near lost a cat stuck in a plastic bag, no less.  Good luck and keep the food out for him.  I hope he comes back, but you either hurt or scared him.

    Go for the long odds and keep hoping.  He might only come back at night, or when you aren't around.

    Hope you find him to care for his "ailment"

  8. I would set up lots of humane traps. Then keep an eye out for him. And stay positive!! I really hope this helped, I dont know what else to do. You could also call the local humane society and tell them your story. They have lots of traps and could help you get your cat to safety. I would also have the vet's # on hand so that you can make an emergency appt. when you catch him. e-mail me and let me know how everything goes.

    good luck!!

  9. This is a good reason why people should keep their cats inside.

  10. I understand how anxcious, uncertain and worried u must feel at the moment but cats unfortunately wont come until they are ready. they arent smart in knowing whats best for them and prefer to do things for themselves they are stubborn and determine animals. u are going to have to wait until he is ready to come home for help. I have had distessed cats go missing for up2 two weeks and when all seems lost they stumble back home again. cats also go walk about to pass away and u will often never find them or find out  what happened, they dont like to die in their own territory.

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