
Cat fleas frontline, do I have to do anything else?

by Guest58036  |  earlier

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I found out my newly adopted cat had fleas yesterday. So I bought and applied frontline on her today.

Are there any extra precautions I should do around the house? (ie. wash everything in steaming hot water, flea bomb) Or will the problem fix itself / I don't have to worry about the hundreds/thousands of eggs now sitting around my house?

Note: I already did my best to clean what I could with my limited supplies: paper towels and a hand vac. Just to note, the flea dust is disgusting, and made worse with water. Am I going to see more feaces in the coming days?




  1. Unless you are in Canada, Frontline and the other topical anti parasiticides require a prescription. If you have indeed used Frontline then you are on the right road to eliminating your cat's parasites.

    Flea powder on the carpet does work but not on wet carpet. There are also carpet sprays that work very well. Most of them are safe to use while you and your pet remain in the home. But you will have to use something to kill the fleas and stop the eggs from hatching.

    Think about it as a few weeks of aggravation for a life of flea-riddance!

  2. The only extra precaution I can tell you to do is to vacuum everyday... at least once a day for the next 3 weeks.

    You can also consider using capstar in conjunction with fromtline so that no more fleas lay eggs. . It will kill all live fleas on your cat with in an hour. It is imperative that you do not skip this. Frontline Plus is only effective if the flea bites the cat. Fleas have a 3 week lifespan and only feed for a few days of that three weeks, so you must use Capstar to kill all live fleas on your cat and prevent any that have already fed from laying thier eggs.

    Capstar - Treats flea infestations on pets. Starts killing adult fleas on the pet within 30 minutes. One dose lasts 24 hours. Use when pets are likely to be exposed to fleas. Also may be used prior to surgery, boarding, or grooming. Active ingredient is Nitenpyram, which interferes with the normal nerve transmission of insects, effectively killing them. Not a preventive. For pets over four weeks of age. Package of 6.

  3. You can get flea sprays and you need to bomb...but make sure kitty is out of house. Vaccum alot, ALOT. Wash things like you said ecspecially where the cat has been, bedding, etc. You may have to do all this more then once because fleas have like 4 stages of life, their hard to get rid of I know but hang in there.

  4. OH MAN that brings back memories from the 80's when I found my stray, after a few years this is what I found to help with fleas in the home.. We didnt have front line back in those days.. she would sleep in my towel closet and the flea dust UGH I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN!!

    How I got rid of fleas from my home

    You will need to purchase a simple bug/fly zapper; the type you use on a patio to kill flying insects.  You can buy a small one that will cover a large area of your house at most home improvement stores for as little as 15.00-20.00 dollars.  For faster results you can use one bug zapper for each room.  However the fleas do gravitate to the bug zapper’s light once night sets in and all the lights in your house are out. So one should work for a small home, just make sure to place it in the room where the most fleas are seen or felt.   Place the zapper on the floor in a corner behind a piece of furniture so kids and pets won’t play with or bother it. Set it on a plate or pie tin for easy cleaning up of the zapped bugs, you will be killing all bugs in your home as well, and then plug it in.  Remember, it is a piece of electrical equipment.  You have to use caution in where you put it. At night the fleas automatically want to go to a light, when they hop in to the bug zapper light they get fried! You can actually hear little, zits, zits when the fleas are getting zapped! All GONE! Keep the carpet vacuumed daily until your flea problem is under control, this will help tremendously in getting the fleas eggs out of your home and carpet faster!!  I am not responsible for misuse of the above item.  Use full caution in placing your bug zapper to the safest place.  It will work for months, even years; it will continue to kill bugs in your home as long as the light is on.  The bulb can be replaced once it burns out.  The light bulb can be purchased at most home improvement stores

  5. Frontline should take care of the problem.  Do you have a regular vacuum cleaner?  You can buy one for about $30 at Wal-Mart I think.  Flea dust is gross because that dust is their f***s, and their f***s is digested kitty blood.  (Note how it turns from almost black to blood red when you wet it.)  Just clean up the best you can.  Frontline will do the rest.

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