
Cat food cans are steel.can i still take them to my recycling place?

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Cat food cans are steel.can i still take them to my recycling place?




  1. Most likely, yes. But it depends on what your city accepts at the recycling point. If they have single-stream recycling for glass, plastic, aluminum and paper, then they probably take steel also. The recycling bins should list what is acceptable, and what's not.

    I recycle at home, and I'm on the green team at work and assist with single-stream, cardboard, and ewaste operations.

    Thanks for going green!

  2. Yes. Steel is the most recycled product in the world. It is recycled more than aluminum, plastic and glass combined.

  3. Steel is most definitely recyclable everywhere a recycler exists.

    Metals are much more economical (and environmentally friendly of course) to recycle than to produce from ore, so just about any place that recycles will take them.  

    Srcap metals are worth money - so companies actually have an incentive to recycle them regardless of their environmental policies. There are metal recyclers that will actually pay you for your scrap metals (although a few cans is hardly worth bringing to the scrapyard, unless as said, you're throwing them in with a load of other scrap metal)

  4. go to to see if you can find a local recycle center that takes bimetal cans.

  5. You should be able to recycle your metal cat food can, but it really depends if your garbage/recycling (and/or compost) collector is able to collect metal items.

  6. If they don't take steel cans they are fools. Steel scrap is worth a lot these days. Steel has the advantage of being magnetic, and so it's the easiest material to pull out of a commingled load of recyclables.

  7. It's pretty mandatory for recycling plants to have all types of metallic bins. Check it out, or sue the for improper use of tax cash!

  8. By all means. Take all scrap metals to a recycler. I take mine directly to the scrapyard because they dont care if I dont rinse them!

  9. I'm pretty sure that you can because my family recycles steel cans instead of throwing them away. And because of that i'm REALLY sure that you can recycle cat food cans. So that's my answer, good luck Bye!

  10. Yeah I'm pretty sure you can.

  11. You should probably see if your recycling place has a website. If so they might have a list of what you can and can't recycle.

  12. They are considered Scrap Metal and go into the Trunk of Old Cars for weight...

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