
Cat has blood in droppings?

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My male 7 year old cat has blood in his droppings a few times a week. Is this bad? Why?

He is also pooping right next to the litterbox, not in it. (Yes we have multiple litterboxes and we used the same littler he used to go in.)

Is this serious?




  1. Blood in the f***s is a reason to have him evaluated.  It may be painful for him to climb into the litter box as a result of a kidney or bowel problem.  Please take him to a vet to have the problem looked at.  

  2. My cat had this once.  Vet said it was intestinal infection and gave her some pills to take.  You should take your cat to the vet to have it checked out.


  4. Blood in the f***s can be a number of things.  Please do not try to get a diagnosis on the internet there are too many variables.  Please take your cat to the vet when something is wrong with it medically - asking here is delaying treatment that time may be a factor.  Call your vet in the morning and make an appointment - the vet is the only one that can give you a proper and correct diagnoses, it's what they trained for.  Most of the answers here will be wrong - and you are taking a bunch of guesses as word.  Please call your vet.

  5. This may be very serious. My dog was just pooping up blood and he got very skinny. After about a week of this as well as strange behavior like going to the bathroom in the house ( something he never does) we went to the vet. The vet did tests and found nothing!! So we went for a second vets opinion and he found that my dog had hook worms and could have died. I would get your cat to the vet soon. I no that dogs and cats are very different but the worms could eventually eat all your cats food in its stomach and cause it to starve. Good luck!!!

  6. Occasional blood in the stool can be normal, indicative of minor lower intestinal irritation. Excessive bleeding indicates more severe irritation. Parasites, cancers, infections and intestinal damage can cause diarrhea, mucus and blood. If you noticed the blood only once, and all else seems fine, you may only want to take a stool sample to your veterinarian to have checked for parasites. If it keeps occurring, or if he bleeds a lot, set an appointment with the vets

  7. Very very very serious, especialy if it is male, and can't have menstration, take him to a vet NOW.  

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