
Cat has large tumor on paw and it is bleeding?

by  |  earlier

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My cat has a 2 inch round but sort of flat tumor on his 'ankle' He doesn't really notice it unless it bleeds and then he cleans it. He is 9 years old and I was advised that surgery would not benefit since it will likely come back. Not sure what to do because he is getting blood everywhere. Still eats and acts normal. The tumor is benign.




  1. Connie is right, get a second opinion at another Vet. This makes no sense to me. Nine is not that old for a cat, and his quality of life is being impacted. With blood everywhere your life is being impacted as well.

  2. The wonderful news is this tumor is benign.  But if it has become so large that it breaks open and bleeds, that is bothersome to you and kitty.  His vet could remove it.

    If you are not comfortable with the vet that advised not to remove it, seek another opinion with another vet.  Several years ago, when my work schedule allowed, I volunteered with my vet.  It was wonderful experience and I learned a lot.

    We had a dog with a similar sounding tumor on his leg.  We watched it for about a year, and when it got to the point of becoming bothersome to him, we removed it.  The surgery was successful and he healed quickly.  The fur even grew back where the tumor had been.

    Purrs to you and kitty.

  3. I agree with everyone else: go to another vet. Even if the tumor does eventually grow back, it will be a long time before it gets to the extreme point that it's at right now.

  4. I'm sorry but you need to check with another vet.

    Mine had a nerve end tumor (mostly seen in dogs, but this was on a cat) which was benign and grew to be larger than his paw pad. It was attached to the side of the pad and the vet, while she DID say it may come back, said that it should be taken off as it was interfering with the use of the foot.

    She removed all of it and it healed up so that nothing shows anymore. It's not regrown either.  I say go check with a vet that will remove the tumor on your cat's leg, especially as it's SO large already, and have them do what they're professionally trained to do.  It should be taken off, especially as it's bleeding and can be a source for infection to set in.

  5. I would go to a diff vet and get a second opinion on operating esp if the tumor is bleeding.

  6. How do you know this tumor is benign? Have the Vet's biopsied it? 9 yrs old is not old, especially for a cat who could live upwards of 20 yrs or more. Any tumor that grows quickly, bleeds or oozes and looks down right ugly, is always cause for a concern. I'd have that thing removed asap and biopsied.

  7. if this tumor was on your ankle, would you want it taken off - even if there was a chance it would grow back??

    I'm appalled at your vet for suggesting your cat live like this.  Please, take it to another vet and get a second opinion, and a quote to have it  removed.  

    I watch a lot of animal cops, and they quite often say that leaving a pet to suffer with a tumor is torture, and a punishable offense

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