
Cat help emergency !!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so my cat hasn't been eating much and shes just been sleeping a lot and so a few minutes ago i found a green thing in her mouth and her longer bottom tooth has made a hole thing in it as u can see in the picture plz help




  1. take her/him to the vet. when my cat didnt eat for a while and slept constantly she ended up having swollen glands.

  2. Take your cat to the vet!

  3. your cat needs to be in the care of a professional who can help her.  No one here on the net can walk you through proper treatment, and if you try anything, you could be seriously injuring your cat

    Please.  Get it to a vet

  4. Take her to the vet.

    She may have an abscess under that tooth, and the hole could be where the infection is leaking out.

    Your cat could die from that infection.

    Same with humans......if you have an abscess tooth, have a dentist take care of it ASAP!

  5. time for kitty to go to the vet! Good Luck!

  6. Its kind of hard to tell from the pic but I would take her to the vet. Anytime a cat stops eating and is lethargic you should take it in to the vet. How old is your cat and how long has she been acting like this?

    She is probably losing her baby teeth but just to be sure take her to the vet. It might have gotten infected or swollen.

    If she has already lost all her baby teeth you need to take her to the vet immediately, she needs to see a professional if you are worried about money talk to the vet office about a payment plan,
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