
Cat help!!!! shes only a?

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can you help me with this....i have a black tabby, calaco cat and she its very scared of pretty much everything around, we have had here for 3months, and she really scratches and bites when you pick her do i get her to stop scratching and lighten up a bit??




  1. Well, cats usually do what they want to do, if she is still doing it now after 3 months she might always do it. One of my cats doesn't like to be picked up either so we just don't do it. And she is scared of everything but the immediate family. That is just her personality.

  2. Could someone around you be scaring her or something.  Sounds like someone has treated her badly.  I am not thinking you, but maybe next door or another family member.

  3. my cat is the same way. I have had him for 13 years and he has been like that from day 1. except he dont really bite or scratch much...he is just afraid of EVERYTHING. seriously, how many cats are afraid of mice and fish? lol. but thats how he is and always has been. you might just have you a scaredy cat like mine

  4. There is a spray and a plug in that you can get from the vets and online that mimics the appeasing facial pheramones of cats it has a calming affect on the cats and helps them to be less anxious and scared.

  5. Your cat has been traumatized by something in her past. I have a cat that was left on the highway and terrified of loud noises-he totally freaked and went stiff and stared until he could not here the noise-If I was holding him  I let him go and gave him space to work out his fears. I was the only person who worked with him.

    Give him his own space let him know this is his and only one person deal with your cat, until he no longer scratches and bites. The 1 on 1 may give him security. Pet the cat don't pick her up let her get used to petting, if she wants to jump in a lap its up to her. Does she scratch and bite more if you pet her head, if so she been abused;just pet her back until she realizes your not going to hurt her. I hope this helps.

  6. Try Dr. Bach's Rescue Remedy - you can get it in spray form these days.

    Don't handle her more than you need to, and try not to stare at her, or make much eye contact, as this is a challenge to a strange animal. She needs to know that you mean her no harm.

    Stay kind but cool and act a bit reserved - not nasty or neglectful, just a bit quiet. This will give her space to sum you up.

    Cats ain't stupid, once she gets her confidence she'll be devoted to you!

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