
Cat is dying, what do I do?

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All of a sudden two days ago my Persian cat (about 7 years old) just got really lathargic and stopped eating. I took her to the vet and they said she was dehydrated and her temperature was really low (97.6). They wanted to run x-rays and blood work and said it would cost around $1000, which I don't have, so I had to decline treatment. Now all she does is lay there with her face in the water dish but doesn't drink anything, and I don't think she's eaten in about 5 days. I've tried giving her water with a baby bottle but she just vomits it up. Is there anything I can do to get her to eat and save this cat? She can barely stand up and I don't think she is going to last much longer.




  1. If you can not afford to take care of a cat you should not own one.  This is just plain cruel, I could not bear to watch my cat die.  I would at least run some blood work and get them to put some fluids in her.  I think it is the xray that is costly - try the blood work first.

  2. if you cant afford the tests, you should put her to sleep. i am sorry, but she is suffering.

    first, i would get a second opinion, as 1000, sounds way too high.

    you can try putting water on her paws, she will clean them and drink the water.

  3. if you are not able to make her comfortable than it is clearly time to have her euthanized.  the key indicator that it is time is when the animal does not do the things it loves to do- and if shes just sitting there with her face in the water bowl trust me shes not happy.  its a very very tough decision but if you can not make her comfortable, euthanasia is the only ethical option.

  4. i am sorry to say this but put the cat to sleep

    you are making the cat suffer it will thank you for doing this

  5. $1000.00 that is day light robbery. Your Vet is a robber

    Go some where else. I would suggest that you cat has been poisoned.

    I hate cats  but no one should do some thing like that though. I love Dogs. It would still be the same

  6. You can try calling other vets. A local no-kill shelter here helped me find a vet I could afford.

    Otherwise, $20 should be enough to have her humanly put down. You don' want her to suffer.

  7. give her to someone that can afford that.

    sorry but she needs that medical attention


  8. she probably is poisoned or has a kidney problem or a urinary blockage...she is going to die if you cant get any liquids in might want to try another vet that can help you get a payment plan...if not it is kindest to have her calmly and painlessly euthanized...she is suffering right now and i understand you want to help but she needs veterinary attention pronto...personally id just have her put to sleep but you can try other options

  9. I'm so sorry. If she seems not particularly in pain, just make her comfortable and be beside her. If she seems in discomfort, maybe you should have her euthanised. It's always sad to lose a pet.

  10. There is nothing you can do at this point. The best thing is too be with your cat every step of the way. Give your cat the most love and attention. I'm so sorry. This happened to someone I knew. It is a terrible experience.

  11. I think she is pushing daises. I am sorry...

  12. if you cant afford to help the cat, and you know its sick, i would put her to sleep. it will be hard on you, but think of what she is going through. why let her suffer

  13. That bill is extremely high; get her to a vet no matter what the cost; it's your responsibility.  You owe her that.  You are her voice and you should do what ever it takes.

    Get her to an ER Vet immediately.  Atleast you have the right to put her out of her pain.  If she's deydrated, it can kill her within hours if not days.  Letting her go without treatment is abuse.

  14. You have to get liquids in her!!!  One thing you can try is yogurt. I buy Yoplait. Get the boston cream pie, or the banana cream pie. It's not really liquid but there is some liquid to it. My cat & dog will eat the yogurt when they won;t eat anything else. My vet says it's really good for them too. Did the vet run at least one IV bottle of saline in her. That doesn't cost to much & it would have at least gottrn some fluids in her. What they do i give an IV push. When they are done there is a lump where th water is but it slowly dispersesses(sorry spelled wrong) throughout her body. To get her to eat you could boil some hamburger. Boil it until it is done then rinse it real well. That gets all of the grease off which you do not want her to have if her stomach is upset. Then boil some rice & mix it with the hamburger.  That is something else that is very good for them. It also sounds like you need to find another vet. Like I said she really needs the IV push & it;s not that expensive. You don't say where you live but if you are some place where it is really hot it could be the heat for a couple of days. My dog & cat went without eating for a couple of days & it was just the heat. I did get them to eat the yogurt though. You good also try the apple turnover in the yoplait. It does have small chunks of apple in it & the apples do have some liquid. See if she will l**k some ice cubes. Put some in a dish or on a clean pad in front of her to see if she will l**k them. You can always rub some on her lips a little bit & that might get her to start l*****g them,  Is she going to the bathroom at all??? If she isn't even peeing that sounds like it could be her kidneys. It is very important to watch & see if she is voiding anything & how much.  I you can't find a vet to help you try a shelter. They may be able to do something for her that won't cost an arm & a leg. One last thing is instead of a baby bottle get an eye dropper & just put a little in her mouth at a time. Do it very slowly!! She is less apt to throw it up that way. Also the vet could have given you something to give to her for the vomiting. I don't know how long you have been going to this vet but please try a different one. Make phone calls until you find one that will hwlp you. Ok the very last thing is keep her warm. if she is dehydrated it's going to make her cold. Well that's all I have. I will be praying for you both, Let us know what happens. I know that antone who answers your question will be very concerned about her. Best of Luck God Bless. - MAW    

  15. please, at least put her to sleep:its either her liver or kidneys are failing.There is no cure for that.People get dialysis or a transplant.

    Be good to her:don't let her suffer.

  16. Call some local vets to see if you can set up a payment plan. She needs veterinary care ASAP!  

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