
Cat is hissing for no reason...all the time?

by  |  earlier

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My 11-year-old cat, Kato, is doing something strange these days: hissing more often.

When I give him his food in the morning, if I reach over him from his left side and put the food in front of him, he hisses and runs away. Also, if myself or my parents walk too fast or too close by him (even if it's just getting up from sitting), he hisses and runs away. Not to mention, he's becoming less sociable with guests (he used to love being around strangers).

Is this old age or is he mentally unstable?




  1. Maybe he isn't seeing as well as before, or you could be right and he is getting senile.

  2. Cats, like people, get more 'opinionated' with age. Your cat at age 11 is not super old for a cat though.  

    Could he have been accidentally stepped on and is now nervous around people?

    I would have him checked out thoroughly at the vet.  He may be in pain , have an infection or have something going on with his vision that makes him skittish.

    I hope he's ok!

  3. Enjoy your ghosts.


    No, it's probably old age. I have a seventeen year old cat that I've had since I was five and for the past year he meows (more like howls) at everything, anytime he pleases. He'll walk into an empty room, sit down, and start bawling. He's probably just getting old and senile. My cat actually went the opposite way with strangers; he was always skittish when I was growing up but now he'll walk right up to anyone that comes into my apartment... And start meowing.


  4. I don't think that he is mentally unstable . My guess that he is ill and may be suffering from one of several ailments that can happen to older cats. Cats don't show pain like humans do, but show it by changing behaviors.

    Time to take your cat to the veterinarian for a check up to include blood and urine tests. After all these years of giving you happiness, he deserves this.

    These tests and confirm if he is suffering from a urinary tract infection, thyroid disease, diabetes, or many other ailments. I bet that he has a medical reason for this behavior and with the proper care will be back to his old self. Best wishes.

  5. it sounds like old age.  just like people cats get cranky the older they get

  6. he may be losing some of his physical senses such as sight and hearing. He may have lost sight in his left eye and there fore your hand suddenly appearing in front of him, albeit with food, may scare him. This would also help to explain the aversion to new people and to your quick movements. He may no longer feel as comfortable in his environment as he used to. Maybe a trip to the vet to have him checked for something like cataracts or glaucoma would be a good idea.

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