
Cat is pregnant again?

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Okay my cat is pregnant again. I am used to taking care of the kittens; giving them extra attention, time for sleep, playing, feeding, mother-time, mini sandbox, etc....

Unfortunately we already have 4 cats (including the mother) and 1 dog with a total of 5 pets in the house and we cannot afford to keep any kittens.


When we are forced to take the kittens to the shelter... we all get very emotional because we grow attached to the kittens... how do we take the kittens without having emotional 2nd thoughts of keeping them (even though we can't afford to).


When do you introduce the kittens to another cat in the family. You see, we have a male black and white cat who is practically in love with the momma (he's fixed, so he's not the father). Last time i introduced the kittens to him, they hissed at him... and he looked really sad.

When can i introduce the kittens to him? - he loves kittens, he cleans them and plays with them.




  1. And one of these times the no-kill shelter's going to be full.  And how are you going to feel taking them to animal control, where they will be euthanized?  Get her spayed, it's unhealthy for her to be a baby-making machine like that.  Clearly you don't understand the concept of pet overpopulation - the thousands of cute kittens who're killed daily at shelters because people are too irresponsible to have their pets spayed and neutered.  

    If you want to experience the miracle of birth, then go to your local animal control facility on one of their many euthanization days and also view the miracle of death.

  2. Have you seen the question about how quickly cats are killed in shelters?

    For your first question - get the cat spayed now, before you meet the new kittens.  They will probably die in the shelter anyway or a few will get adopted and other kittens will die instead.  

    It should hurt to give them up.  

    For your second question - the kittens are smart to be nervous.  Introductions need to be made slowly and carefully.  He's much bigger than they are so of course they're scared.

    But is it even safe to have them together?  Do you get mom regular blood tests?  

    If they are all healthy then it should be up to mom when it's ok for her kittens to roam around enough to meet him.  Don't ever force them.

  3. why not just have the cat spayed. It can be done now. No kittens to find homes for and no more unwanted pregnancies in the future. You can request a low cost spay certificate from the shelter and have it done right away.

  4. Have her spayed and you avoid all the other problems.  Unfortunately, there's no easy answer for the tasks you have ahead.  It will be hard to give the kittens away no matter what.  It is also hard on the mother cat to keep getting pregnant.  It takes a toll on her health after a while.

    If money is an issue, contact your local SPCA or Humane Society.  They can give you options for low cost vet care and spay/neuter programs in your area.

  5. You are one of the reasons that millions of animals are put to death.  Do you possibly have any brains?  Get the cat fixed.  Do you enjoy watching animals suffer and die?  And her 3rd litter.  Shame on you.  Then you dump them off at a shelter to deal with the problem you created.  Nice way to clean up your mess.

    Better yet, get her to the vet to re-home her, as you're not responsible enough to own a cat.

  6. Why not have your cat spayed so you don't have to go through this all the time? It's very bad on her health to stay pregnant all the time. As for feeling bad about taking them to a shelter, ask to go back and see the other side of the door.  I'm sure this shelter would love to give you regulars a grand tour. The sight of that should give you plenty to think about. Introductions should be slow and easy. Supervise for a while.  Hissing is to be expected at first.

  7. Spay your cat, problem solved.

    Why don't you ask your local animal control for a field trip? You and your family can look at all the dead kittens that have been euthanized because irresponsible people didn't get their cat spayed / neutered.  

  8. how about you avoid all of this all together, and just get the kitty spayed right here and now.  Prevent this litter from being born and possibly ending up in labs or used as bait for fighting dogs, and give cats that already exist a chance to find a home.
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