
Cat is very thirsty?

by  |  earlier

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hi my cat twix is 14, over the last couple of weeks he seems to have gone off his food, just l*****g the gravy or jelly but not eating the chunks,he still enjoys a few biscuits, he has become very vocal, crying in the middle of the night, i have noticed that he is drinking a lot more than he used to, i am taking him to the vet tonight. he went to the vets a couple of weeks ago as he is crying when hes eating she thinks he could have artheritus in his jaw, his teeth are fine. Im quite concerned about the drinking, any advice would be helpfull thanks




  1. Excessive thirst can point to diabetes or kidney issues.  I'm glad that you are taking Twix to the vet and I hope everything turns out ok.  Hopefully they will run blood work and urinalysis.

  2. I guess that' s a renal problem. Your cat is not young, and this type of problem is quite "normal" in old cats...... the first signs are that the cat drinks a lot more, and don't eat much. If you find this problem at the beginning, you can handle the situation giving the cat all the water that he needs, and giving him wet specific food... you can find the problem by analysis of the blood!

  3. Hi Jackie... increased thirst  generally is indicative either two things: feline or renal insufficiency/failure also known as CRF .

    EDIT:  low potassium (Hypokalemia) can be caused by chronic  renal disorders,  or diabetes mellitus, liver disease, urinary tract disorders from potassium depletion:

  4. Hi my cat was very very poorly with something similar last year.  He was making a gulping noise when he ate and lost a lot of weight,  He also slept a lot and was gasping with his tongue out when he was moved.  Eventually the whites of his eyes, inside his ears, his tongue and paddy paws turned yellow.  He couldn't even get up to go to the loo.  We had him back and to to the vets until one morning he couldn't stand.  We took him to the vets expecting to have to say goodbye but they gave him some medication for a virus, we took him home, handfed him baked cod and prawns and he had a miraculous recovery.

    You need to make sure he keeps eating and drinking - even if it is only a little.  Try hand feeding him little bits of tuna.  Treat him to some cat milk if he will drink it - you can get it from the pet shop or supermarket,

    You know your little cat better than anyone and you are doing the right thing in taking him to the vet tonight.

    I hope little Twix is feeling better soon.  Please let us know

    how you get on

    Monday night

    It's good to know it isn't renal failure - keep us posted

  5. Sorry to say but his kidneys are going.  The vet will put him on Fortekor which may well help.  My cat is 16 and she drinks about half a pint of water a day, slightly less when on the Fortekor.  I hope he gets better soon.

  6. It may be that he is in renal failure (has kidney problems) or it could be that he has feline diabetes. Just as humans show signs of thirst with diabetes. As you said, he would be better off with a visit to the vet.  

  7. vet is the best advice, and you are already doing that.

    the drinking might be because he is not eating, he is hungry, so he drinks.

    but, i am very sorry to say, it is probably more serious, and, that coupled with age and the jaw pain, the best thing you can do might be to put her to sleep.

    it might be the only way to end the suffering.

  8. sometimes too much dry food makes my kitty very thirsty

  9. take him back to the vet and have him tested for diabetes
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