
Cat just neutered, loss of appetite!?

by  |  earlier

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my 6month old indoor kitten was just neutered today and also recieved vaccines. he now hasnt eaten in more than 24 hours, since i couldnt feed him the night before surgery. he has been home for about 6 hours now and has just been sleeping, i hand feed him a few bits of kibble but he is not interested in eating or drinking!!! is there something wrong?? i gave him some of the pain meds they told me to. also, he is using the litter box normally, poo and pee.




  1. Cats can get depressed after being neutered. Give him lots of love. You can try warming his food a little bit in the microwave because that often makes it smell more and gets them interested in eating.

  2. Don't worry about it.  The anesthesia that they use to put them under can often upset their tummies so they don't want to eat.  Plus he could be still groggy from it as well.  If tomorrow he still isn't eating then call the vet but I'm sure he's just fine.

    And good for you for getting your cat neutered.  Seeing all the "my cat just had kittens" or is about to posts on here is quite depressing so your post was a breath of fresh air! :)

  3. He should be feeling better by tomorrow. Most cats are lethargic after surgery and/or vaccines. Just keep an eye on him and make sure he's acting ok. In a couple of days he should be himself.

    If he's not eating tomorrow, heat a small amount of canned cat food and see if he will eat it.

  4. He is still feeling the effects of the anesthesia. I would continue to offer him food but don't force him. He will know when he is ready to eat. He also shouldn't take his pain meds on a empty stomach and that probably has made him feel even less like eating. If he does eat tonight he may vomit alittle. If he still will not eat in the morning, call the vet and let them know. They may want to check him for a fever and give him fluids under the skin to help him recover faster.  

  5. If he has only been home for 6 hours..give the little guy a break..would you feel like eating a full meal right after surgery.  He probably is still a little woozy and still has anesthesia in his system.  Give him some time to rest and recuperate.  If he seems uninterested in the morning, then maybe give the vet a call.

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