
Cat/kitten problems help!

by Guest67103  |  earlier

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I sprayed water into my kittens ear *direct hit* and attempted to dry it with a paper towel. will anything bad happen to my kitten?




  1. No of course not!!! lol just try not to do it again all it does is iritate them

  2. You need to be more specific when you say "kitten". How old is the kitten?  Are his/her ears opened yet? Also, when you say sprayed... How much pressure was involved? You mean like a spray bottle, or a pressure washer?!? lol. Are we worried about possibly rupturing the eardrum? Or just problems from the presence of the water?

    Most likely, you will not have any problems. Especially, if the kittens ears are still closed! Just keep an eye on her. If she seems uncomfortable (tilting her head to the side, or shaking her head like her ears might be irritated) she may be getting an ear infection. I seriously doubt that this will happen, but best to be observant and careful. Best of luck!


  3. NO

  4. A little water won't hurt the kitty but they don't like it at all.  When I want to groom mine, I wait until he is sleeping. Thats when I clip his sharp little nails or clean his ears and face with warm water and a cotton ball.

  5. first of all, why did you do that? i don't think it would harm your kitten, just keep a close eye on it and if something bad does happen, take your kitten to the vet.

  6. it shouldn't  

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