
Cat lovers!!! I need your help?!

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Ok, I just got a siamese cat that is one and a half years old. She's really cute and likes to be pet sometimes.. It is her first day in my house and her owner was really sad to part with her.. For a siamese cat, she's pretty friendly. However, although she's friendly some of the time.. most of the time she's scared of me and my mom and walks away from us. I know it is her first day but does anyone know anything that we can do to loosen her up and show her that everything will be O.K. in her new home with us?




  1. try playing with her with a string or laser or something  

  2. It takes a long time for cats to warm up to a new place, and new people for that matter. Give her some time is the easiest thing I can say. She may go and hide for long amounts of time but when she's ready she'll most likely happily become part of your family. Just try to not startle her (move quickly, loud noises, etc) and she'll probably loosen up in a couple days, if not sooner. Good luck!  

  3. Siamese cats are very loyal to their owners. Yours hasn't figured out that you're her owner now, but when she does, she'll be just as loyal to you too. She will be just fine.

  4. Spend time with her. Pet her. Play with toys. Buy her a cat bed. Make her feel like a queen. She's a new cat so she's gonna be scared of you and your house and the things around her. She doesn't know what they are. Eventually she will get used to all the sights, sounds, and smells. It's just like you moving in to a new home. Of course you'll be nervous on the first day because you're living in a brand new house. And it will take a few days for you to get used to it.

    Well, this is the same feeling that the cat is having. I would just try to comfort her and make her feel pampered enough so that she'll start to realize that this is where she lives now, this is her home.

  5. Give her some time to adjust.

  6. Just leave her be until she gets settled.  Give her a nice, quiet place to rest if she's stressed out.  Give her time and she'll come around.

  7. Play with her, and make sure she knows where her litter box, and food is... If you can, try to find the one spot that she likes to be petted that makes her purr the most. Let her know that you are there to love her, and not to harm her... Also, talking to her will get her used to the sound of your voice.

    Congrats, and good luck!

  8. i have a siamese male and he is like that too

    they will losen up

    just get  a peice of string and play with her so that she will know that she will trust you

  9. It has been about three months since I got my half siamese half tabby cat and she literally JUST started warming up to me. Just be patient, talk to her, pet her, and say her name often. First and foremost, just give it time.

  10. My cat would hide where he thinks i couldn't see him. I had to go slowly get his  trust, were still working on that. Well i also had the help of shrimp. My other cat, i left her food next to my  bed and at night when she was eating I left y hand dangle there, this helpped her get use to my sent. Took 3months but know she is one of my best friend.  

  11. cats are sumetimes uneasy in new places but try buying sum cat nip cats love it and they cant stay away from it hang sum up in your room and the cat will keep going back in there and eventually if u take it down it will b used 2 being in there or bring one of its toys from the person u aquired the cat from and leave it in your room

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