
Cat lovers:mean momma cat, what do i do?

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ok, here is the story. we have a female persian cat who has 3 babies. she is the best momma cat i have ever seen and i have dealt with cats for 30+ years. we have a nice little cat family here in the house. her, the babies, and 3 other cats. everyone has got along from day one. they love each other. well, i found a cat at my work place yesterday. brought it home, left it on the front porch and is feeding it. it darted in when i opened the door last night. the other cats just sniffed it and my persian momma cat attacked it. now i understand this, mother cat is very protective.well i put the new cat back outside. now, today the momma cat is still trippin and is attacking the other cats. this upsets me, these cats have loved each other. and now she is after them. what do i do? is there anything i can do or will it just get better and go away.




  1. Leave them alone. The momma cat most likely smells the new outside cat on the others after sniffing it. They will sort it out in their own cat way.

  2. IF the new cat is a male, the mom sees him as a threat (just like lions, tomcats've been known to kill kittens of another father so they can sire their own).  Some cats, though, are just super aggressive.  A neighbor had a cat who was very friendly with people, but whenever she saw another cat she launched herself at it like I've never in 40+ years ever seen another cat - just locked on like a missile and went straight into the attack with no threats or hissing, just straight into the fight mode.  I also had a tomcat who, even when fixed for 12 years, had to assert his dominance over any other cat in the house by maneuvering into a position where he could bite the scruff of their neck - little guy was relentless...  When my mom passed away, and we inherited her cat who was this one's de facto mother, he allowed her one room in the house.

    Like the last writer, I'd say see if she mellows out.  If not, she'll need Valium - no kidding, they make it.  They just take it till they've mellowed a bit, then they get used to the new status quo.

    Good luck fellow cat friend!  And don't forget to spay and neuter!

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