
Cat medication issue with the vet?

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I ordered Albon liquid online because im out of state for my cat. My vet was making a big issue about it although hes prescribed it to her before. I told him that my cousin said its the same exact symptoms as before, coughing, sneezing alot, throwing up here and there etc. And he was saying how she even knows if its the same thing so I told him that she was the one that came in with me to the office when I brought my cat in for the check up and my cousin stays with me so she knows how she was before. So after an argument, he decided to sign it since im out of state. Is it just me over reacting or was the vet more wanting me to bring my cat in for a check up for his business or was he genuinely worried about what I was going to do with the medication? I have to go see him when I get back in town. And im kind of hesitant to face him after this. What would you guys recommend I do?




  1. Im getting off the issue here but I want to clarify that not all vets are in it for the money.  I have worked at one for 11 years and try to help as many people as I can without making them come in.  We are really busy, usually booked for the day so we dont want to squeeze in anyone we dont have to.  We cant go handing out medicine or prescribtions to anyone that wants them.  Our doctors have helped and even done things for free for people that cant afford it.  Not all of them are out for your money!  

  2. albon is for worms i think, and the symptoms that you describe sounds like a cold, he may think you are mistreating the issue.

  3. I'm surprised he'd sign off on it at all.  If you give it to a cat and the cat has a horrible reaction or worse, dies, it'll come back to him and letting you get medicine without the cat being checked.

    Doctors of any sort aren't supposed to just pass out Rxs without making sure they're needed.  That kind of thing can get them in major trouble - legal and professional.

    A check up wouldn't make him a lot of money for his time anyway.  

    I would apologize to him. Let him know you were thinking about the cat and didn't think about the situation you were putting him.  

  4. You sound like someone who is sensitive and really cares about his cat.  It is understandable to be stressed when your furry friend is sick and even more so that it happens while you are out of town.  

    I do not like to hold a grudge.  It is one thing to stick up for what you believe in but another to know it is still affecting you some time later.  You  obviously have a relationship with this vet or he would not have ok'd the refill.  Arguments or not, he did not have to sign the RX for you.  He did not make any $ on that.  And who is to say that was the right medication after all without seeing the cat?  Just because the symptoms are the same, does not mean the cause is...   If we could all diagnose our pets that way,  there would be a lot less vets needed.  I personally believe he cared about your cat (no offense meant).

    Anyway, I would still apologize regardless of whether or not you agree with him.  It is not good to fight with people and he only meant well.  And you may need his services in the future.  Plus you will feel better to.  And although I prefer things done in person, an email is ok - but consider a nice card written in the third party from your cat apologizing for your bad manners.  We got one at our hospital like that from someone one time and it was a big hit....  Just a thought.

    Whatever you decide, I hope it works out for you and your kitty feels better soon.

  5. Albon is not for worms, it is for various intestinal problems.  I think the vet was concerned that you may be giving the wrong medication.  Most vets will take a stool sample and place it under the microscope.  That way the diagnosis is confirmed.

    When you get back into town and your kitty needs to see a vet, I would go back to him for the appointment.

    Over the course of time you will surely know if he was *in it for the $$$* or he was genuinely concerned for your kitty.

  6. Unfortunatly, I have come across vets who only care about the money, not the animals. It looks like thats the case with you, too. Just go to someone else, there are lots of other vets out there that would be much nicer than the one you're going to right now.

    You don't even have to apologize. Just switch vets, I'm sure he has had other patients go to different vets before. It's not like you're being mean. Think of it as something like getting a second opinion on something.

  7. I used to think the same thing when the vet wanted to see the cat (or other animal) before prescribing or refilling medication.  I thought they just wanted the exam fee.  One vet I used to go to, I'm pretty sure that was the case, but my current vet charges a smaller fee for a re-check of the same problem.  I think your vet was just looking out for the cat.  Many cat owners are well studied and can pretty well determine what is wrong with their own cat, but the vet doesn't know whether you are one of those people or a person just trying to avoid paying vet bills by self-diagnosing your cat.  As you get to know your vet better, and build a relationship with him, it will become easier to order the medication if it is for a recurring problem.  Just apologize to him when you next see him.  He has probably forgotten already anyway, but the gesture wouldn't hurt.  I know if I were a vet, which I hope to be in the future (taking pre-requisite classes now), I would not feel comfortable prescribing medicine for a cat I had not seen.

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