
Cat or Ferret? 10 POINTS?

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help me choose please!!!





  1. cat,

    ferrets are cute but can be destructive, and if you are a renter, they are less likely to be accepted by a landlord.

  2. You get more meat on a cat so they tend to serve more people but if you are dining alone then a ferret is fine.  They both taste pretty much the same.

  3. ferret!!!!

    i now have 11 of them and if ihad to choose between my cats or my ferrets the ferrets would win hands down!

    they are entertaining and even as they get old they act like kittens... and dont ignore you like cats do. i LOVE them. they dont smell of you get them neutered/spayed! only if you keep them whole... and the room wont smell if you clean it up...  

  4. they are both so different the ferret is an nocturnal animal and has a strong musk smell unless you have it de-sacked they are both loving and playful . I have had both pets and I would say a cat because a cat out lives a ferret they only live about 8 yrs

  5. You choose your pet based on the given information below.


    The cat (Felis catus), also known as the domestic cat or house cat to distinguish it from other felines, is a small predatory carnivorous species of crepuscular mammal that is valued by humans for its companionship and its ability to hunt vermin, snakes and scorpions. It has been associated with humans for at least 9,500 years.

    A skilled predator, the cat is known to hunt over 1,000 species for food. It can be trained to obey simple commands. Individual cats have also been known to learn on their own to manipulate simple mechanisms, such as doorknobs. Cats use a variety of vocalizations and types of body language for communication, including meowing, purring, hissing, growling, squeaking, chirping, clicking, and grunting. With 69 million of them present in American homes,cats are the most or the second most popular pets in that country. Cats also may be the most popular pet in the world, with over 600 million in homes all over the world. They are also bred and shown as registered pedigree pets. This hobby is known as the "Cat Fancy".

    Until recently the cat was commonly believed to have been domesticated in ancient Egypt, where it was a cult animal.[8] However a 2007 study found that all house cats are probably descended from a group of as few as five self-domesticating African Wildcats Felis silvestris lybica circa 8000 BC, in the Near East.

    2) Ferret

    The ferret is a domestic mammal of the type Mustela putorius furo. Domestic ferrets typically have brown, black, white, or mixed fur, have an average length of approximately 20 inches (51 cm) including a 5 inch (13 cm) tail, weigh about 2-4 pounds (1 kg) and have a natural lifespan of 7 to 10 years.

    Several other small, elongated carnivorous mammals belonging to the family Mustelidae (weasels) also have the word "ferret" in their common names, including an endangered species, the Black-footed Ferret. The ferret is a very close relative of the polecat, but it is as yet unclear whether it is a domesticated form of the European Polecat, the Steppe Polecat, or some hybrid of the two.

    The history of the ferret's domestication is uncertain, like that of most other domestic animals. It is very likely that ferrets have been domesticated for at least 2,500 years, but it is not certain for what purpose the ferret was originally domesticated. They are still used for hunting rabbits in some parts of the world today, but increasingly they are being kept simply as pets.

    Being so closely related to polecats, ferrets are quite easily able to hybridize with them, and this has occasionally resulted in feral colonies of ferret polecat hybrids that have been perceived to have caused damage to native fauna, perhaps most notably in New Zealand. As a result, some parts of the world have imposed restrictions on the keeping of ferrets.

    I try my best to give a best answer. Please give me 10 points so I can reached my next level. Your kindness will be appreciated.

  6. both cats and ferrets belong to the feline family ferrets are not rodants, however the pet you choose depends on its purpose, a cat will go wondering off on its own sometimes for days as is its nature will come back for food though they can be more comforting than a ferret.

    a ferret is really a working pet to get rid of rats and mice they are a detterent for them, you can even take ferrets rabbiting if a farmer has problems though they need training, ferrets dont smell as long as theyre kept clean same with any other animal or person, clean their huth enough they wont smell, though they are cute and comical my brother has 2 identical twins who play fight and spin a tennis ball with their paws though if ferrets are mistreated they will bite, hold them correctly though and they wont by stroking their full length of their body with your hand will relax them enough to handle them

    so in conclusion it deoends on the type you want both are easy to look after really but  dead pigeon from your local farmer and ferrets will eat this as well as chicken or rabbit (wild not the fluffy white cute ones lol, wild rbbits are ugly)

    failing that get a dog way better character and make you feel more welcomed home and try to impress more

  7. cat. you can go on holoiday and your neighbour or someone only needs to change their water and food and maybe check they are ok a few times. They are very independent but are always up for a cuddle. They can be stroked for hours, have different personalities, play with you, do amusing things while having their own mind, and are always calm and cool and are also beautiful to look at. They do not need much as they groom themselves, only food water an occasional cuddle, something to play with and somewhere to roam!

  8. My mom has both and the ferret is by far the coolest, but by far the smelliest! It smells really musky no matter what my mom does to try and make it better.  

  9. I would say a cat, because cats are definitley more loveable and ferrets cages are soooo hard to clean out and they always smell terrible (def. worse than cat litter). No matter how much you clean the cage, something always smells. Cats are sweeter/cuter too! :)

  10. ferret because they are cuter and they are easier to take care of

    here is a picture of how cute they are  aww!!!!

  11. If you don't want much work and responsibility then a cat is the one for you, if you want to have the responsibility, a ferret.


  12. i would choose a cat. ferrets may be cute but cats i think give more love. get a kitten or a cat from the local humane society or the ASPCA. its better to do that then adopt from a pet store i think! ; D congrats on a new pet!

  13. get a cat.

    They are easy.

    you can play with them and they don't need a cage.

    Ferrets are really dirty and require a lot more care than cats.

    Ferrets need to be in a cage and cannot be let loose in a house.

    You can do more things with cats and they live longer.



    - Rianna™

  14. A cat they can watch them selves they may also depend on you  to clean there litter box but that's it i have 2 cats there are fun to have

    Don`t get both cause the cat may kill the ferret thinking its a rodent

  15. I had both and love ferrets but they are very different than a cat. They are cute and playful but will not be affectionate like a cat can be. Actually most ferrets at first can be nasty until they are use to be handled.You will need a good size cage which is not cheap and ferrets need to get out and run. They can fit in places that you would never dream of.. I have rescued mine from under s stove..inside the you need to keep an eye on them. Ferrets have often been hurt by people stepping or sitting on them. And not every Vet will look after a ferret and their care tends to be more pricey too. I am not saying a ferret is a bad pet but they are different so they have special needs. If you really want one make sure you do your research so you will know exactly what you are getting into!! Unless you have $$$ I suggest you stay more to cats.

  16. I owned a ferret for six years and a cat for two.  The cat pissed everywhere, ripped up my furniture, never once used the litter box, and thankfully ran away!  My ferret tybalt was the exact opposite  and he was very cuddly and affectionate.  I was able to eventually take his  cage door off and let him run free in the apartment.  He was well litter trained but he had a tendency to hide stuff under the bed, so if your missing stuff thats where it will be.  But make sure you get a Marshall ferret they are descented and bred for domestic puposes.

  17. My cousin has a ferret.

    It smells disgusting lol

    and so does the room

    Also you can only give it a bath like twice a year!!

    At least with cats you can clean up the litter box and its not traumatizing Lol..

    I honestly recommend a cat. I used to have one..


  18. hey, i think you should choose a cat, they are easier to look after as they pretty much go about their own business lol but you get to spend more time with them :)

  19. This really depends on what you know about the animal. Ferrets are rather hard to take care of if you don't know how to. Its important that you do TONS of research before getting either animal.




  20. cat it's more comforting and will be there for you why do you think lonely women have them

  21. get a ferret i had one and she was so fun is just like a cat but smaller and get one as a baby cause there very cute

  22. Ferret: original, stinky, bitting.

    Cat: cute, cuddly, clean.

    Need I say more?

  23. I am a cat lover BUT my sis has a ferret and its extreamey cute but very high matnence and when they get to be about 5 they have serious health problems and that may cost alot so i would say a Cat would be easier!

    hope this helps-Animal lover♥


    get a cat

  25. Cat.

    Ferrets have more of a scent that you either are okay with or can't stand and if you give the ferret a bath it jus tmakes the smell worse.

    Ferrets can also bite a lot more.

    Cats can be let out and are easier to take care of, just play with it, train it make it tame and that is really it.

    Cats clean themsleves (:

  26. Ferret. They great fun, yes can be smelly but all animals can be smelly as long as you keep them clean the smell won't be as bad! Most ferrets (Mostly white ones) can also be really friendly pets as well and just as affectionate as any other pet.

  27. Cat; they're much more affectionate and interactive.  I had a ferret once, and his cage was always stinky in spite of frequent cleanings.  You also have to watch a ferret EVERY second he's out of his cage cuz they're so mischievious, whereas my cat needs no supervision at all.  Yup, cat! :)

  28. A cat definitely. Ferrets get into lots of mischief. They never listen. They are fun to watch but a cat can be as much fun. Cats get into mischief but can be stopped quickly with a water spray bottle. I have lots of cats and they are all very loving. Ferrets cost more. On the cost angle I would definately go with a cat. It is up to the individual though. You really have to decide which one you like better. Good luck. I had a ferret once that kept running away from hom. Not from neglect or being ignored. Just because it thought it was the thing to do. A cat almost always comes back, A ferret does not.


    get one, i have cats myself, but my friens has got ferrets, and there something different aren't they!

    they are cute, well behaved and wiggly lol.

    so unusal! go to the rspca or somewhere where they may have one

  30. SOOOOO you wana be able to make a decision on a cat or ferret well to be honest i have a persian cat , cats are pretty cool u never do much cats always clean up after themselves and are very well equipped to go to their litter box on their own. i had a ferret once as a little girl it was so cute but we couldnt have it in our place for to long cause we had nosy neighbors but they are pretty cool to have around also i would perfer a ferret over a cat any day tho.

  31. It all depends on where you live. Ferrets are illegal in california, among other places. They are original, though. I'll give 'em that.

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