
Cat or dog (got to add more to make the question at least 20 characters long <sigh>)?

by  |  earlier

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You have to choose one but you can't have both.

What's it gonna be? LOL




  1. DOG  &gt;_&lt;

  2. DOG

  3. cat

  4. Dog. A dog is more loyal than a cat. More loving,to.

  5. Uhhh.... Dog! Dog because I can running with it.

    But at the same time, I&#039;d kinda want a crazy cat, soI can take vids of it doing stupid stuff and post the on the tube...

    Dog. Yeah, deffinetly dog.

  6. Definitely a Cat I love cats but I am allergic to them, bummer!!

  7. I love both but if I had to choose it would be a cat

  8. Cat - I love dogs but I really, really love cats.  They can be so loving but so independant at the same time. x

  9. At first i would of said Dog, because they&#039;re more interesting and what not.

    But my friend, has a dog and cat, and his cat is so incredibly cute! And just lovely.

    So now i&#039;m going to say cat (:

  10. Cat.

  11. CAT!

  12. cat  

  13. Doggone.   Must be a cat.

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