
Cat question!!!!!!!!?

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This question just popped into my head but i was wondering do cats see in black and white like dogs do or in color??




  1. A cat's vision lies somewhere between color and black + white. They can see certain shades, but not all. (They can see yellow, blue, green and purple, but not red, orange or brown.) The link I posted below explains it pretty well.

  2. Yeah cats do, i have a funny story about it.

    I have a black cat and ever since he was a kitten he was obsessed with some red pyjamass i had mainly because of the colour, they were red.Every timee i put them on he'd follow me and sit on them etc.

  3. WELL!, if u payed attention in science class you would know that answer. BTW yeah they see in black ans white!

  4. i dont think they do because they are attracted to the color red and other bright colors. plus a long time ago i remember seeing a tv show saying that cats see differently than humans and i think that ?they can sense heat? yeah i'm positive that they do see some colors and they DON'T see black and white.

  5. cats see some colors and they are muted. they do not see all colors as humans do but they do see in color. they see better in the dark and they pick up on movement better than humans and dogs.

  6. My understanding is that cats and dogs do see colour but not in the whole spectrum as humans do.

    Cats have a better sight at night time than humans, and dogs get most of their information from scent.

    But yes, they do relate to and see colours.

  7. yeah. cats see in black and white

  8. Cats seen in color.

  9. I have no idea,

    I thought they saw in colour but my big sister told me they see in black and white :s *frown*

  10. Cats see in colour.
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