
Cat rips out the carpet under my door - ideas to prevent this?

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I need some proven ideas to protect the carpet under my bedroom door. I have a very obnoxious cat (but we still love him) who shoves his paws under the door and rips the carpet out all night. He's very good at it... even when I tightly shove magazines under the door, he manages to shred the magazines and then continues to shred the carpet. I'm running out of magazines.

The best idea I can come up with so far is to buy one of those plastic mats that go under office chairs and cut it down to fit. I'm hoping the spikes on the bottom will hold it in place... I'm hoping for any ideas I can get, as the hole he's ripped so far is impressive.

And FYI, leaving the door open or installing a cat door isn't an option. He's the reason that door is shut. My cat in chronic renal failure gets to stay IN the bedroom so she can eat her medicated food in peace. Plus, mr. obnoxious wakes me up every half hour by pounding his claws into my neck and/or leaping onto my bladder, so he's banned from the bedroom anyway.

Thanks for any ideas :D




  1. The magazines probably encourage it- my cat loves shredding paper towels and such. The plastic mat is a good idea as something a little more permanent, but you could also try laying down some double-sided tape so he learns not to like the area.

    Does he have his own scratching post you're training him to use?

  2. Maybe he's bored and you need to play with him more in the evening before bedtime.  You need to tire him out! Or maybe he needs to be confined during the night time to a basement or something.  Sometimes they have bitter sprays that will keep them away from things.  Good luck!

  3. My Vet recommended a pheromone diffuser. It's used to stop undesirable behavior like you're experiencing and you can buy it online or at some pet stores. "Feliway" and "Comfort Zone" are two kinds- I swear by these diffusers, they worked WONDERS for me. Best of luck!

  4. does he have enough toy to keep him company? why don't u buy cat scratcher since ur cat shreads every thing. cat scaratcher will help cat to scratch his nail sharp and to get the white peeled nail go away. buy a cat scratcher like this (click the source) oh, and giving him a cat tower will make him less likely to shread stuff

  5. I would suggest having a bedroom for Mr. Obnoxious that he sleeps in at night.

    As you have noticed cats have a different sleeping schedule than we do.  There's nothing wrong with having a room the cats sleep in at night.  My cat sleeps in a large laundry room where he has his food and water and a cat bed.  He is technically locked in a room over night.  We tried leaving him out but when we let him in the bedroom he'd wake us up every couple hours.  We tried leaving the bedroom door shut but he would just stay outside the door and meow.  His bedroom is a very comfortable area for him and I often find him having a cat nap there during the day.  Mr. O might not be thrilled at first but he'll get used to it as it becomes the routine.

  6. I would try those soft claws. It's a good alternative to declawing. The office mat is a good idea but if that doesn't work I've heard great things about the soft claws, have never actually tried them myself.

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