
Cat-sitting for a family...?

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Okay. I'm cat sitting for a family near me, and their cat is a little hostile. I tried to play with him, but he just stood there twitching his tail to his right. I've heard that dogs will wag their tails in different ways when they are feeling different emotions. Is the same true for cats? And if so, what does it mean if the cat merely twitches its tail to the right, then to the middle, then back again?




  1. That tail twitching thing means the cat is annoyed (so watch out, it will scratch and bite if you keep pestering it).  Yes, you are trying to be a sweetie to him but he knows you aren't his family and cats don't handle change very well very quickly.  Just leave him alone but talk to him quietly so he gets used to your sound.  If the family is gone for only a couple of weeks, he may never warm up to you; but if they are gone for an extended period of time, eventually he'll associate you with food, clean water, clean litter, and a gentle, friendly attitude.  Just sit on the floor (so you are more on his level--cats also like to be higher than you so don't be surprised if he jumps up on something and stares down at you) and talk to him quietly and gently--doesn't matter what you talk about, it's more the tone of voice that you aren't a threat and aren't going to hurt him.  That's about all you can do until he decides he likes you enough to rub against you.  If you intend to continue to be the cat sitter when the family needs you to be, you may want to make efforts to become friends with the cat while the family is still around.

  2. Thank you Natalie for your very detailed answer!  I enjoyed reading it.

    I think this cat just realizes you are a stranger and is feeling cautious.  Sit down in front of him with a cat treat or a toy or some food and let him come to you.  Hold out your hand to let him check you out.  I don't think you will have any problems.

  3. Tail curves gently down and then up again at the tip:

    This is a peaceful, relaxed cat.

    Tail raised slightly and softly curved:

    Something has caught your cat's interest.

    Tail held erect but with the tip tilted over:

    Your cat is in a friendly, greeting mood but may have some reservations.

    Tail fully erect with the tip stiffly vertical:

    This is a very intense greeting display and has no reservations.

    Tail lowered fully and possibly even tucked between the hind legs:

    The cat feels defeated or submissive.

    Tail lowered and fluffed out:

    The cat is showing fear.

    Tail swished violently from side to side:

    This signal indicates that the cat is very angry.

    Tail held still, but with tip twitching:

    This signal shows the cat is mildly upset.

    Tail held erect with its whole length quivered:

    The gesture appears to show happiness or friendliness usually given to its owner as a greeting. It is also the same type of gesture used in territory marking (used by whole males).

    Tail held to one side:

    This is displayed by a female cat in heat.

    Tail held straight and fully bristled:

    This signal is one of an aggressive cat.

    Tail arched and bristled:

    This signal is one of the defensive cat.

  4. When my cat twitchs her tail it means she is a little pissed at me for some reason.  

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