
Cat starts being irritable and violent?

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My kitten is 24 weeks old, male. He has not gotten any shots, medical treatment, or been neutered. In the last week he has gone from being the most sweet loving animal I have ever had, to attacking my boyfriend and i, hissing, growling, and meowing all the time. Could this just be a phase or might he be really sick? My bf is worried about rabies?




  1. If you haven't gotten your kitten vaccinated, then it is very possible he has contracted something. NEVER NEVER think your pet can make do without the shots. They are needed to build strong immune systems and prevent disease. Please take him to the vet, and get the shots he needs. If you cant afford them, please give him to someone who can afford to own a pet and take care of it properly. Not trying to be mean, but he is helpless, and cant care for himself. Part of owning a pet is seeing to its health.

  2. I agree with the other poster. It could be because he hasn't been fixed, but the chances are high he has contracted something and it could be communicable. If you can't afford the medical care you should bring him to animal rescue. It is cruel to deny him proper care when he is helpless.

  3. he is gelous he is the dominent male and he wants all ur attention get him destemberment and rabie shots only!

  4. For starters.please take him to the vets and get his shots

    I dont think he is sick,but while you are at the vets ,please do talk with the vet about his behavior,as this could be an issue......

    there could be several answers or it could be just his temperment

  5. Rabies is a BIG concern and you need to take him to get checked out and if your veterinarian feels fairly certain that this is not Rabies than start his vaccinations. Your veterinarian may recommend quarantining him for several days just to be on the safe side especially if he managed to bite someone. Even if it seems a small bite the fact still remains that  he is still unvaccinated. Very serious, please be open about the situation to your veterinarian.

    However at 6 months this could mean he is reaching his sexual maturity and is fighting off the other male in his household for the female (you). In which case he still needs his vaccinations and it is time for his neuter.

    If rabies has crossed your minds best time to act is now before it becomes too late. Yes, there is a too late when it comes to Rabies and when to act on it to save your pets life or your own.

  6. GET THE SHOTS!!! What are you thinking? And it's time for him the be spayed, this will probably calm him down.

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