
Cat stomach problems?

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My cat had kittens almost three months ago and about two weeks ago we got her fixed. A week before we got her fixed she started puking up her food and it continued after we got her fixed and when we went back to get her sutures out I told the vet and he told me to change her food which I did but it is still happening. Does anyone know a cat food that can help and won't cost me a fortune.




  1. try putting a little bit of olive oil in its food.  about a teaspoon.  i hear it can help a cats stomach.  and it helps with hairballs too.

  2. I have had this problem with my cats too.

    go to the health food store or department in your market.

    buy some acidophilus it is the good bacteria that is in the intestinal tract.  put a pinch in her food.

    That might help quite quickly

    \You can also give her yogert but that takes longer and some cats won't eat it.

    good luck

  3. My suggestion is to go back to the vet. My suspicion is that there is something more going on than just the food. The fact that the vet spayed a vomiting cat is a red flag for me. None of the vets I used to work with would do surgery on a sick cat. Unless of course you didn't TELL the vet she was vomiting before the surgery.

    She should have a full physical exam and complete bloodwork done, including chemistries and a CBC (complete blood count). If those come back normal, then more diagnostics should be run.

    Just attributing vomiting to a food problem without doing diagnostics is not good medicine.
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