
Cat swollen cheek and eye puss! Help!!?

by  |  earlier

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Hi my cat is 13 years old and has been having a few problems lately. He got into a fight a few months ago and got an infected ear that smelt funny. I took him to the vet and she started trying to syringe the puss out but I'm sure she made it worse, so Id like to avoid taking him to the vet if possible. The problem now is his right cheek has swollen and he had puss coming from his eye, he started squinting a bit and now its suddenly got worse to the point were he can't open his eye at all and he has puss coming from it. I've tried bathing it with salt water but I'm not sure if this is helping him. I'd really like to avoid the vet because she is very pushy and doesn't seem to care about my cat at all just how much money she can make. He also has a heart and liver problem and I'm frightened the vet will want to put him down. Other then these problems he is perfectly happy and seems to be himself. Please Help!




  1. Find another vet. This will have to be drained and the vet may also put him on a antibiotic.

  2. If the eye is infected you need to get antibiotics quickly. It can spread to the brain (this happened to a cat of mine when I was little) and is very uncomfortable for the cat. For tonight, steep yourself some black tea (Lipton is good if you have it) and use the cooled-off tea bag to soak the closed eye. It'll loosen the stuff up and help clear the infection a bit but for something this serious what they need is antibiotic eye ointment with steroids in it (at my job we use Vetro) Do not bath him in salt water- this dries out the skin and doesn't make them feel very good. If there is still an infection in the ear you will need ear medication also. Please return to the vet- or a different one - before your cat suffers any more.

    And as a side note, it is not cruel to euthanize and in some cases it's the best gift you can give them: the freedom from pain and suffering. If the heart and liver problems are under control the vet will not offer to euthanize for a case of conjunctivitis. If he is happy and seems to be himself then by all means take every day as it comes and let him life out his life as fully as possible but if you're looking at a cat who is miserable then it's something you should consider.

    Good luck with your cat, again, please see a Veterinarian.  

  3. Please take your cat to a different vet! He really needs to see a vet ASAP, and he might end up with permanant damage to his eye. That sounds like a very serious abscess wound, and it would take a professional to heal that! In the meantime, try to drain some of the wound on his ear and cheek by pressing a hot, damp washcloth to it (WARNING: he will not like this AT ALL, just try to be gentle), but it should help a little. Make sure you keep the infected areas as clean as possible.  

    -I hope kitty gets better soon!

  4. Sounds like an abcess- unfortunately there is nothing you can do at home for the infection -it needs to see a vet- my question- why did the vet not put him on antibiotic at the first visit? This is painful for your cat- the infection is in the head area and if not taken care of can go to the brain-cause him to stop eating affect his vision- Please find another vet- a vets first priority should be your pet.The vet can not make the decision for you to put your cat down-that is YOUR decision-and having an abcess does not warrant that. Good luck  and I encourage you to please see another vet- the infection will not get better on its own

  5. He needs some serious antibiotics...If you're uncomfortable with your vet, please find another...If he doesn't get antibiotics soon, the infection will become systemic and make it's way to his brain...This is obviously a very bad thing...

    Please find another vet, and quick o.k. ??

  6. You need to find another vet.  It sounds like he has an abcess that needs to be drained.  He will also need medication for the infection and pain.  No good vet is going to FORCE you to put your pet down!

  7. omgosh. i think you should really

    go see ANOTHER better vet & get

    some antibiotics! your cat doesnt

    sound too good:( i really hope he gets


    good luck!  

  8. Take him to another vet.  He needs medical attention.

  9. Sounds bad . Time to get another vet as most wounds can be healed ,if caught in time. Don't let indecision kill your cat ,get it some care, ...soon!

  10. I am not a vet so I can't tell you what you can do right now but I would find another vet because it sounds like your kitty is sick. Take him to a better vet, maybe if you have to drive a little bit if you have to. Best of luck, I hope your kitty gets better!

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