
Cat tapeworm question?

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Would having a tapeworm or other type of worm infestation cause a cat's stool to smell unusually bad?

I got a new cat... a stray that I adopted from outside. His poo has always smelled really bad relative to my other 2 cats. I recently saw a worm in his stool and had all of them wormed immediately.

If not, what else could contribute to his stinkiness?

Weird question I know. Sorry.




  1. Sorry I don't have a better answer...but I have 2 totally indoor cats.  They have the SAME diet but the one when he takes a poo it is HORRIBLE.  The other is not roses, but not nearly as bad.  As long as you have him up to date vet wise no worries.  

    Another thing to consider.  Does he cover up well in the litter box?  If he doesn't then that makes it worse.

  2. One of my cats had tapeworms once, but it didn't alter the smell of the poo.   Are you feeding him the same diet as the other cats?  Are you still allowing him outside, or keeping him exclusively inside?  If he's sneaking outside, he's eating G** knows what.

  3. no a tape worm will effect the consistency, but not the smell.  if you are really worried about it or of something seems unusual about it beside the smell, put it in a clean container and take it to the vet to have it tested.  if they find nothing there are no worries, and you know not to be concerned.  if the vet finds something then you have a chance to get it treated right.

  4. I think that tapeworm requires a different type of de-worming.  With tapeworm, you will notice "rice like" mini worms around kitty's backside.  If this cat does have tapeworm, you will not have to de-worm your other animals, as they get tapeworm from ingesting a flea or possibly some raw meat carrying the tapeworm.  I called my vet and got a $6 pill.  I didn't even have to take her in.  As for the extra stinkyness, I don't know.  When my kitten had tapeworm, I didn't notice a difference.  Keep an eye on her backside though.  The rice is a give away if she has tapeworm.  Good luck!
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