
Cat throwing up~ please help me!!!<3 my cat needs help?

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OK, my cat is Tabitha. Shes 13 years old and shes a tabby cat. Shes always had trouble eating because she has a weak stomach. Usually she throws up a few times a week. We just moved to texas 3 weeks ago, and she was fine. she ate, she drank, she slept. Now we are in an apartment and she throws up once in a while. All of a sudden, she has been throwing up after every meal. she already has special food that she has been eating for years that the vet told us to use. Our other cat also eats the same food, but shes always been fine. The last time our cat Tabitha threw up after every meal, she had a virus, but now shes 13 and we are getting worried about her. We cant go to the vet until our house sells because our new vet is very expensive. So now after every meal, she throws up, shes not getting any food. We are now trying to give her only 3 little pieces of food every few hours. Does anybody know what might be wrong with her? shes a great cat, and i am afraid to loose her. If you can help me, thank you soooo much!<3 Have a great day and wish me luck!




  1. Fur ball problem? In the apartment, cats can not access to eat grass. Therefore they accumulate fur in their throat and fur balls have to come out somehow. :-) Try:

    why don&#039;t you grow some plants /grass in the apt (ask a person from a nursery)  

    dry food which claims to reduce fur ball-never tried for my cats

    some vege oil added to wet food-my cat loves olive oil

    Again, if nothing improves, should get your cat checked.  

  2. Ok you really really really need to take her to the vet. I used to work in a veterinarians office and it doesn&#039;t sound like shes doing very well. It may end up just being a virus but the fact that she isn&#039;t able to keep anything down is bad because shes not getting any nutrients. Is she still drinking water? Have you ever tried giving her wet food. i know you said that she is on special food but sometimes there is wet food available in the food that she is eating, especially if it a prescription diet. I hope things turn out well for you and Tabitha. I know how important my pets are to me, they are like family. I wish her well and the best of luck!

  3. My cat goes through phases where he will throw up frequently.  He use to be a monster cat at 19 pounds, but had dropped down to a healthier weight (12 pounds) after a recent move.  I took him to a vet and spent $250 on tests and the vet couldn&#039;t find anything wrong with him.  She gave me some Laxatone to give him - it&#039;s for hairballs.  She said even if he doesn&#039;t have an actual hairball, loose hair (from grooming) in his stomach could be upsetting enough to cause him to vomit after eating.

    That was back in February of this year.  I treated him with the Laxatone according to directions and he seemed fine after that for months.  Then within the last month or so, he started throwing up more and more.  It got to be after every meal again and I could sometimes see cat hair in it.  I went back to the vet and got some more Laxatone, also some moist cat treats made specifically for hairball remedy.  The throwing up stopped overnight and he&#039;s doing fine.  I also brush him 2-3 times a day (he LOVES that!) to reduce the amount of hair he ingests when grooming.

    For your cat, you must first determine whether the vomiting is from a medical condition or not (meaning she needs to be seen by a vet, at whatever the cost).  Your cat is considered a senior at her age and can be experiencing some sort of serious condition leading to her body&#039;s inability to digest food.  That can cause a cat to reject its food and can be very detrimental to the cat because it will eventually become malnourished.  Urinary tract infections, compromised kidneys or liver can also lead to rejection of food.

    I hope it&#039;s not serious, but do what you have to do to convince your parents that she needs a trip to the vet.  If your new vet is too expensive, try finding another one or find out if payment arrangements could be made so your parents could pay the bills a little at a time.

    Good luck.  


    I got the Laxatone from my vet - it was around $8.  I also saw it at Petsmart/Petco for the same amount.  Your cat may not appear to like it at first - mine was the same way.  The vet said to gently open its mouth and stick some of it on the cat&#039;s tongue.  I did, and after that, my cat all but bites my finger off every time I offer it to him.  He loves the tuna flavor!

  4. my cat occasionally thorws up but the vet said it was a virus. hopefully this is just a virus and it will end.

  5. I am sorry your kitty is not feeling well.  I know how hard it is when you have to rely on someone else to be financially responsible for those you care about.  It is very frustrating.  Keep explaining how sick she is and that you are trying to be a responsible young adult.  Tell your parents that you do understand how hard it is for them and that you are sorry to be putting this on them.  But offer to do something extra for them in return because this is very important and see what they say.  

    As for your kitty, it could be a few things.  It could be anything from the added stress of the move - to her thyroid or (and I hope not) something worse like diabetes or things growing inside that should not be there...     The only way to know for sure is, as you know, a vet check up.  Be sure the doc does a thorough blood panel including the thyroid.  Bring a fresh stool sample as well.   When you make the appt. ask ahead of time if the kitty needs to fast.  Sometimes the blood work is best done on an empty stomach.  

    Other than that, I agree with feeding the small bits of food often.  I hope everything works out for you both.  Good luck on your new place and your kitty.  Prayers be with you.  :)

  6. I&#039;m sorry your cat is sick, but if your cat can not eat, she will die. Plain and simple.

    Take your cat to the vet now... no matter the expense.  

  7. Your cat needs a vet, but I have a solution. I had a male cat that had a very severe ear infection, and needed a vet, but I was between jobs and living check to check. I called the vet and asked if they would take a post dated check, but that was against their rules. So I asked if they could hold my car title until I could pay in two weeks. This question was unusual and the woman had to check with the vet. He was very concerned for my cat and agreed to hold my car title. I paid in 2 weeks, got the title back. Moral of the story, ask the vet to help. They are animal lovers too.  

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