We have had our kitten (now three months old) since he was a very sick, three week old baby. Because he was abandoned by his mother, and has feline herpes (which is communicable to other cats), my boyfriend and I have pretty much been his only teachers in how to be a cat. We've successfully taught him to use a litter box and to distinguish between edible and non-edible things. In the matter of walking, however, necessity on our part has dictated that we are not very good cat parents. Our three month old kitten has seemingly taken it upon himself to stand and walk on his hind legs. "Animal Farm" parallels aside (he would look very silly in trousers), is this just a normal attempt to strengthen his back muscles, or is it possible he's trying to imitate us? I don't think there would be any adverse effects of him doing this, but if I'm wrong on this- could someone let me know?