
Cat urinating on living room carpet (one area) is the solution to place another litterbox there?

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Our 9 yr old Maine Coone continously urinates and poops on a specific place on our carpet in the living room. I've cleaned it numerous times, but would placing another litter box in this area help? I hate placing litterboxes on the carpeting from the excess litter on my carpeting. We own two Booda boxes (the round boxes with the stairs). Any help on whether we should place another one there? A litterbox to keep the excess in the box? or how to redirect her negative behavior (besides getting rid of her) and how to go about giving her her own litterbox and not letting our other cats go in there? would be great!




  1. You say you've cleaned the area several times, but have you used a product specifically made for pet urine odors?  Since he keeps going in the same place chances are he can still smell his urine or p**p.  Try some Nature's Miracle or Simple solution.  You have to let it soak as far into the carpet as the urine and p**p has.  If this doesn't work try the litter box relocation.  Good luck.

  2. Check out this website for litter box help:

    Odor removing tips:

    Remember, a cat’s sense of smell is fourteen times stronger than that of a human. This is why it is so important for you to thoroughly clean the urine spots. Even if you can’t smell it, your cat probably still smells the urine in the carpet, and this can make them want to “re-mark” that spot over and over.

    To remove the smell of urine from just about anything, first clean it with some sort of soap or kitchen cleaner. Then clean it with lemon juice. If you don’t like the smell of lemon juice follow it up with a little bit of vanilla extract. One of the most effective formulas I’ve found for removing ANY odor was from Popular Science Magazine. Mix 1 quart of Hydrogen Peroxide, with 1/4 cup of Baking Soda, and one tablespoon of liquid dishwashing soap. Saturate the affected area, rinse thoroughly with clean water, and the smell is gone. This is non-toxic and safe for your animals and children, and those with allergies. This is especially helpful for removing skunk odor from your outdoor animals. As always, test a small portion of fabric for color fastness, before treating a large area.

    What Won’t Work… There are many home remedies for treating pet stains and odors, and let me stress that most of them are not too bad as far as removing odors for humans’ noses. Vinegar, ammonia, baking soda, laundry detergents, lemon juice, fabric softeners, and commercial strength pet stain removers are all great for removing the odors that humans can smell. However; you will need more to remove the odor for your cat’s nose. An enzymatic cleaner is the best answer, but it is slow and may take more than one application, (Nature’s Miracle is one of them). The Hydrogen Peroxide/Baking Soda combo is fast, but can alter the colors of some fabrics. In the end, you must decide which application is best for your situation.

    Even if you clean a pet stain with soap and water certain micro-organisms remain behind and your pet can smell them. Enzymatic Cleaners are designed to completely eliminate the source of the odor by using enzymes to eat away the micro-organisms that cause the odor. The one drawback to these cleaners is that they are slow; it could take several weeks for them to completely eliminate an odor. Enzymantic Cleaners are available at most pet stores, organic/natural/health food stores, and even some hardware stores. You can also ask your vet for suppliers.

  3. You must clean the area with a biological liquid/powder and let it dry before letting the cat back in the same area or the enzimes won't have time to work and your cat will simply keep going back there.  The same applies to trying to cover up the smell with sprays - some cats find them very attractive.   Yes, you could try putting a litter tray there - after you have thoroughly cleaned it- and then, when your cat has stopped using the floor, GRADUALLY move the tray to the area you want it to be.  You don't say how many other cats you have but this could well be why the problem has started.  The rule of thumb is one litter tray per cat plus one extra and, although I don't know what a Booda box is (I'm in the UK) I'm guessing that it might be a little complicated for a cat.  Generally you should keep things simple.  Don't use a hooded tray as cats can find it difficult to turn around and get comfortable.  Also the smell stays inside the box which is great for you but not for the cat.  Don't use scented litter - when it gets wet it gives off a pungent smell which cats can find unpalatable.  Use litter which is as close to sand as possible - soft on paws.  Above all, keep the trays clean.  Scoop them every time they are used and disinfect them once a week.  The trays should be large enough for the cat to turn around in and deep enough to have a good scrape around in.  Some cats - especially long haired - will not pee and poo in the same box which is why you need extra facilities.  

    You could also try sprinkling some dry food in the area your cat is using inappropriately as cats do not usually pee/poo and eat in the same area.  Make sure the litter trays are located in private areas away from glass doors/windows in case other cats (or even your own) are intimidating/guarding the facilities.  If you have a multiple cat household you really need to watch carefully what is going on as cats can be very devious.  Try putting extra trays in different locations - even a cat can't guard all of them at once!

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