
Cat - very wet p**p with blood?

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Hello, of course we are going to vet but has anyone experienced this? My cat, who has clean bowls, clean water, clean litter etc. just left a little wet surprise on the floor from him bum bum.. and there was blood in it too.. really made a mess..

He seems fine and is playing around - has anyone have this happen to their cat?

Thank you for sharing..




  1. A tiny little blood that happens just once or so could be the result of stress.  If the f***s is a bit soft, that is probably what it is the result of.  And yes, while hard to believe, cats can feel stress.

    Oh, and he probably feels bad about what happened, as cats are normally very fastidious, and something happened that he couldn't make the litter box.

    If more like diarrhea, and a lot of blood, then there is a cause for concern, but only a vet can give a proper answer, as anything else are simply guesses.

  2. I agree with the others, the vet is the best place for diagnostics.

    However, I had a cat that used to have that all the time and it turned out to be that his anal sack needed to be expressed on a regular basis.  Not a big deal, but it would have been, if I'd ignored it forever.  

    Fortunately, after the vet did it a couple times, he turned me on to a groomer who would do it as well as brush and trim this cat (he had very long hair that tangled and matted very easily, so taking him in for a brush trim, and anal gland expression, was a good thing)

    Best of luck to you and your cat.  

  3. It could be any of the things listed above, by Siamese-if-you-please. Or it could be kitty Hemorrhoids or other serious problems. Better go see a vet.I would like to hear what he says, so if you would post it when you hear something.

  4. could be a number of things, glad your going to the vet, that is the smartest question i have heard all day,

    1. it could be worms causing an irritation in the intestine

    2. it could be a sign of feline Luekemia

    3. could have eaten something that just didnt agree with him

  5. Bloody stools in cats can be attributable to a variety of underlying causes. While red blood in small quantities, sometimes mixed with mucous, is fairly common in cats, it is always best to consult your veterinarian to pursue a diagnosis.

    Some things to consider:

    1. Blood in a cat's stool can often times be indicative of the cat having ingested Warfarin which is used in mouse and rat poison. If you suspect this is the case, take your cat to the Vet immediately. Depression is generally evident when a cat ingests enough of the toxin to cause bleeding.

    2. Is the cat on a medication which may be the cause.

    3. Dietary - Blood in a cat's stool is not uncommon when bowel movements are hard or dry, which may be attributable diet. Consider changing to a low fat/moderate fiber food or one that is highly digestible.

    Other possible causes of blood in the stool:

    1.Some bacterial infections can lead to blood in the stool. Clostridia, Salmonella, E. coli are a few of the bacterial infections associated with bloody stools.

    2.Intestinal parasites, including worms, can lead to bloody stools in cats. Tapeworms will not show up in a fecal examination, but egg cases are passed and look like small grains of rice when they dry and can usually be found in the pet's fur. Hookworms and roundworms will show up in a fecal exam. Roundworms can encyst in body tissues and reinfect a cat throughout its lifetime, so they may be present even if they aren't found in a fecal exam. De-worm according to your vet's advice or the prescribed dose on the product.

    Consult your veterinarian if there is a sudden onset of bloody stools and seek a diagnosis for the problem.

  6. I'm sure many peope will have had this happen to their cat, it's not an unusual thing. The reason it may have happened to other people's cats is not necessarily relevenant to you; it may be because of worms, enteritis, colitis, foreign object ingested, gastritis, neoplasia........prob lots of other reasons I can't think of.


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