My cat is an 11 year old female who has always been skinny. she usually weighs around 9 1/2 pounds, but during her yearly check up she weighed 8 and 1/2 pounds, and so we put her on a wieght gain diet (a whole can of fancy feast(small cans) instead of the one half she has gotten for the past 11 years) She has kibble whenever she wants it all day, plus gets scraps from the table.
Just yesterday, a bit less than a month after the start of her weight gain diet, she began to vomit clear, slightly yellow liquid (no food) there was no blood in it, and she has barfed at least 3 times over the last 12 hours. According to a family member's observations, she has been drinking a lot of water right before she throws up.
We are going to take her to the vet if this doesn't clear up in 24 hrs. we're keeping her inside (shes an indoor/outdoor cat) to monitor her food/water intake and such. Since the onset of her illness, she's been slightly lethargic and hasn't eaten much
Any ideas on what this could be? is it just a virus? she has had no history of this vomiting before.