
Cat will not let me sleep...please please help?

by Guest44746  |  earlier

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my kitten who is 6 months old drives me crazy at night....he wakes me up like every 15-40 minutes from 4 a.m. til my daughter gets up to play with her..It's literally wearing me out, as i need sleep as i have a 2 yr old and a 10 yr old and my hubby is deployed so it's just me doing everything and i seriously need my sleep..I have shut my door, he will scratch on it BAD and has ruin part of the outside door...I have squirted her with a spray bottle, she will just come back and bothering me again in a little while...please help? I can't lock her in any rooms cause she will ruin them...please help




  1. Keep her in the bathroom at night.

  2. Put it in a room in which your kitten feels confortable and let it sleep in there all night long. Is not good for it to play every time it wakes you because that means that is it wakes you , it will have more attention and keep doing it.

    Play with it all the day so in the night it will be tired and prepared to sleep. Consider that cats are nocturn animals and they play at night and sleep all the day.

    If it keeps doing it go for a trainer who tells you what to do. good luck!

  3. she may be hungry.. you should try keeping a bowl of dry food and water with her upstairs at night and maybe a toy for entertainment.

  4. my cat does that! I lock her up at night! I know that its not right but I wake up my appartment is destroyed.. she gets into my clothes, puts her toys in the water bowl, annoys my 11 year old cat, flips my kitchen rug over, knocks down pitcure frames, shot glasses, gets into the trash.. so I lock her up at night. it was the last resort, works the best

  5. You have found out that your bed time is a kittens play time. This is how I did it with the last kitten I took care of. I just put him in bed with me. Wrapped my arms around him, gave him good scratches behind the ears and we both went to sleep. Keep a little bowl of dry food and water in your room, and he may go to that instead of playing when he wakes up. Now, if he is not neutered get it done. Not only will it calm him down some, it will prevent him from spraying in your house. If he starts, it will be difficult to break. He is at the age to start spraying. Neutering will prevent testicular cancer. So as you can see there are several reasons to neuter. (you used the word she once so if it is a female, get her spayed to stop unwanted litters and prevent mammary gland cancer. Best Wishes.

  6. Try getting one of those scratch pad mats and leaning it up against the outside of your door at night. At least when he comes around to claw the door, he'll just get a scratching post instead. It will save your door--and might cut down on noise.

    Getting another cat might help, too, if you can swing it. Especially a kitten--they'll play together all day long and tucker each other out.

  7. she wakes u up put her in a cage. if u think the cage is not a good idea get her another cat so she will have a friend to bother in the night. If u don't want another keep her in the basement *if u have one* with a scratching post on the door or do this on ur door!


                            Hope i could help good luck  

  8. Wow, your story sure brings back memories!  My cat used to do the very same thing -- to the point that I ALMOST decided to give her away, just because I was losing so much sleep that it was affecting my ability to function during the day!  But I still have her and I now get undisturbed sleep.  Here's what I did -- maybe it will help you, too.  I closed my bedroom door at night and decided that no matter how much she cried and scratched at the door, I wouldn't respond.  It took about two weeks for her to realize that trying to get my attention when I was in the bedroom wasn't going to work and she then just gave up.  It was nice to be able to sleep a full night again, but sometimes after getting up in the morning, I'd walk out and see that she'd spent the night doing some damage.  So I bought a pet enclosure -- it's kind of like a child's playpen but it's also covered on top so the kitty can't jump out.  I put a litter box, food, water and a couple of toys in there.  Then I created a bedtime ritual of holding and petting her, and then putting a treat in the enclosure and placing her in there.  Again, she cried for a few nights, but I absolutely refused to respond.  After a while, though, she got used to the routine and now she does fine with it, since she knows that her confinement is only temporary and I'll let her out in the morning.  

    I hope that my experience can help you some -- or at least give you some ideas to help you come up with your own solutions.

  9. shut him in a room

  10. You could try to cuddle with it or fed it or put it in a room so she cant get out i really don't have advice but try.

  11. It may sound crazy, but you many want to think about getting another cat.  I truly think that cats need friends.

    My cats are crazy, but only together.  Even when I've had two kittens together, they have never bothered me, only each other.

    Seriously, consider it.  Check out if you need to.  There are plenty of kitties out there that need homes (and friends).

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