
Cat with eye injury!:(

by  |  earlier

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my cat had been missing for 3 days she came home today with a really swollen eye it is hard all around it the swelling seems to be going down but i dont know what happened her forhead seems to be swollen to she can open her eye and has reaction when i move my hand in front of her what should i do to help her i am calling her vet in the morning but something to make her comfortable for tonight




  1. If she will let you, hold a warm (not hot) wet wash cloth over the eye for a few minutes to help any infection drain. You can use plain saline solution , not visine, to rinse out the eye as well.  

  2. i cant physically see your cat but it sounds like she may have gotten into a fight while she was missing and the wound may have gotten infected, i once found a cat with an infected eye and gave her normal eye drops to clear the infection, it worked for her, but i dont know the full exptent of your cats injuries, hope that it helps! :)

    p.s only one drop will do in the infected eye, dont drown it.

  3. warm compress on for 10 min off for 1 hr. Try to do this several times this evening if possible. See your vet 1st thing in the morn!

  4. She needs to be taken to an emergency vet right away.  If she has had a burgeoning infection for three days now it needs to be treated immediately.

    The fact that you say the forehead is swollen is very alarming - that's way too close to her brain to wait another second for treatment.  Morning may well be too late.
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