i pulled in the driveway and seen my baby boy cat laying in the driveway waiting on me so he can get in the house, when he got up to go into the house i seen what it looked like was blood on his neck. he came in the house and went straight to eat. my husband and i looked at him and he had two puncture wounds, and it was bloody from whatever it was. it looks like a snake bite, or my husband said it may be from a pellet gun, but i don't think that's likely since the puncture wounds are close together like a bite. he seems to be doing fine by husband cleaned it up with a q tip, does anyone have any suggestions to what to use on killing the germs so it won't get infected and how to take care of it, he doesn't seem to be in excrutiating pain or anything. will he get sick or anything in the next few days if it is a snake bite? just let me know please, i don't have the money until wednesday to take him to the vet, so any help or advice is welcome, thanks so much.