
Cat won't drink water 24 hours after vaccines?

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My cat is 3 years old and I took her to the vet yesterday for a checkup. She also got the FVRCC and Rabies vaccine. The vet told me she might be "sore and stiff" for a while, but she should be fine. She has been hiding under the bed nonstop and won't drink any water. I'm worried about the water drinking because a few months ago she got severly dehydrated and I had to take her to get an IV of fluids. I don't want it to get to that point again. Is this normal? Do cats have negative reactions to this vaccine? Any thoughts or experience would be appreciated!

PS I don't really want to hear "call the vet" as an answer, I plan on calling the vet tomorrow evening (on Thursdays they're only open 5-7 and I work all day anyway).

Thanks for your answers!




  1. Since you are working how do you know for sure the cat isn't drinking?  

  2. I'm really surprised they gave BOTH vaccines at the same time, it's awful hard on a cat's system to have to deal with both injections--one vaccine alone will make a cat feel off for a whole day, two is really pushing it.

    Wait another 12 hours and see if she canb e coaxed out with something smelly like baked chicken or Kentucky Fried chicken. Both have strong cat appealing smells. Once she eats a little she'll be up for drinking again. But if she won't drink for another 24 hours youll need to phone the vet and ask about IV fluids.  Two whole days is too long without water.

  3. hiya i really would not worry kittens/cats are often annoyed! and uncomfortable after vacs and the vets trip is normally very unsettling anyway. cats get most of their water from meat food  anyway so do not tend to drink alot, my older cat never ever drinks from a water bowl never has done it gets his drinks from outside!

    my cat has been dehydrated before lots of times and it is horrible to see.

    after 24hours she should be up wandering about having a little food, but she might be off that too for a bit.

    if it gets to 48hours then id give the vet a ring but 24hours is ok. :)

    (please DO NOT feed your cat KFC chicken! feed her her normal food! or cooked chicken breast!)

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