
Catcher Brett Hayes finds a gunman coming at him while in the car - MLB Update

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Catcher Brett Hayes finds a gunman coming at him while in the car - MLB Update
Miami Marlin’s catcher Brett Hayes was heading to birthday party with his wife and on the way he spotted a gunman coming at him.
By the time Hayes saw him from the car and made an eye contact, just as an afterthought, he told his wife to pretend disregard and do not let him feel of her consciousness.
Worse part was the traffic that kept them stuck on the road. When that news of two law enforcement officers being injured came, it added to their panic.
What happened with him was nothing short of a nightmare. Watching a man with hand-gun and growing conscious of his intent and just within few moments listening the news that the person has caused damage to someone is downright horrific, to say the least.
While it will have been the worst scenario if gunmen had shot in front him, he was lucky to have not heard the thunder. It was when he had moved away from the place of incident, he came to know about the story through radio. Much to his shock, he was in
the heart of the unfortunate incident.
Interestingly enough, the gunman had stifled his aims successfully. Hardly anyone could judge from the way he was walking about what he was up to. Slowly he was progressing and due to the same reason he was able to outwit officers.
"The creepy thing about it was that the guy looked like he was walking down the street to go to the supermarket," Hayes said. "He was very nonchalant.”
Hayes describes and sketches a picture of what actually happened to him and to her wife while all was underway.
"The guy was walking by our car, and I made eye contact with him," Hayes said. "I looked away nonchalantly and told my wife, 'Don't look at him,' because it looked like he was obviously up to no good. Later I found out he had already shot two police officers."
Hayes will now come back to the club-house and make sure the incident does not take its toll on his mind.



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