
Catching unbroken waves??

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k im not great at surfing bu i cn catch broken waves nd stand up nd my balance is grand.... bu i can never catch unbroken waves :( is there some sort of technique involved? i always end up pearling r just falling.... sometimes i jus bail coz i know im gonna wipeout anyway :( i have a 7'4'' board nd i surf in tramore whenever i can its a messy beach break btw bu its all i hav :(




  1. make sure your pop-up motion is really solid. practice on the shore until you can place your feet without looking at them because if you look down on a wave, you'll fall off or pearl.

  2. To surf them well you have to paddle really hard.

    This is because there is no white wash to generate speed for

    you so you need to make it yourself.

    When you feel yourself being picked up by the wave

    jump to your feet and hope for the best.

    You first few times  will be tough but you will eventually get it.

    Good luck.

  3. Just paddle really hard and don't be to close to the nose.The biggest mistake beginners make is to be to close to the front of your board. Make sure you are in the middle of your board or you will pearl (aka face plant).      

           Also don't  look back when you are paddling for the wave because you will freak out. Just look forward, commiment, and when you feel the wave pushing you forward pop up. It  just takes time andsome practice. You will get it.

          Surfing is hard for everyone at first but it is super fun when you get the basics down.

    Good Luck and Stay positive.

  4. both things the other two said are true but probably the most important thing is taking off at an angle. This along with "poping up" fast will allow you to catch face waves(unbroken). You want to angle in the direction of the open face. Some waves you can go both ways, which is called a "a-frame" wave like a a-frame house.

    hopefully that helps

  5. Luckily, surfing does not depend on spelling and grammar. From your question, I can tell you haven't done much surfing. If you want to improve, you need to spend time in the water. If you have good ocean swimming skills, I suggest you go to a real surf shop and ask about some lessons.

    Taking off when the wave is in its break zone, but has not yet broken, is accomplished by paddling your board quickly enough, at the right angle, to slide down the face of the wave. It can only be learned by practice, and some guidance from a surfing pal or instructor. Timing and speed are really important. I'd be glad to show you in the water, but I sure can't do it on line.

  6. You have to be right at the pocket of the wave. You will find over and over that the wave has the most momentum there and it will pull you along.

    Have you notice too that after a wave passes it will pull you towards the broken white water?? That is the feeling you want when you attempt to ride the wave. If it is a big enough wave and you are close it will pull you under. LOL

    That is what it feels like when you glide on the angle of the wave (like riding a boogie board). Once you feel the whole board take off you get up. NO sooner or the wave will pass you up. If you get up too late, well, let’s just say the wave will have been broken by the time you get up.

    So it is a quick pop up once you feel the board take off..

    Once you find that perfect medium it becomes easy.  Don’t be afraid to dive right in. Waves can be scary but remember it is just water and won’t hurt to bad when you fall.

    I found that when I first learned to surf; once I felt comfortable paddling out and swimming in the ocean with a surf board, it was easier to get up on 3 to 4 foot size waves then littler ones.  Remember don’t be scard!

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