
Category 5 Race for a Beginner?

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I am thinking of entering a 15-mile circuit road race, called the Tour de Grandview, as a category 5 racer. The race is as the end of the month. I have done a couple sprint-length triathlons but never a bike race. I also have not been training on the bike this year. Do you think it is appropriate for a beginner to enter a race like this, or will I just embarass myself? What time will I need to finish around the middle of the pack? I have a Trek 1000, will that be to much of a disadvantage? Thanks in advance for your advice.




  1. I say go for it. My advice would lie also within the safety guidlines, be cautious of road debris and other riders. Furthermore, I am unable to answer the question to the question if you will embarass yourself. I can only say go for it. If you want to participate do it, who gives a s*!t what other people think. I will be very excited to hear your results. As far as your bike reference: like Lance would say, "It's not about the bike!"Good luck!

  2. A crit is a different animal than a tri. If your bike handling skills are not up to par you actually could endanger yourself and the others around you. I know this sounds like a beasnatchy thing to say, but when you crash at 34 miles an hour it's not a pretty sight or anything. Before you commit to the race go do some serious group rides where there are lots of jockeying for position and breakaways and such. Group riding skills are things that need to be worked on constantly and not just say, "oh, yeah I did that that one time..."

  3. "What time will I need to finish around the middle of the pack?"

    this question right here says everything.  There's no timing in a road bike race, only 1st through last.  It will be difficult, you won't finish the race, and you could potentially endanger others as well as yourself.

    Find some group rides in your area first.

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