
Caterpillar's on Horseradish?

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I live in coastal Washington State. I have a horseradish plant that is being eaten up by green caterpillars. I picked most of them off but, is there something better I can do to take care of the problem? Keep in mind that I would like to use the root for consumption.




  1. you might be able to put a bug spray out and then just wash the roots extra carefully before eating. there are many sprays/fertilizers for caterpillars.

  2. Neem oil may do the trick. It's a food oil, meaning it's safe for plants you intend to consume.

    It knocks a lot of pests away from your food, but it's harmful to the birds and beneficial bugs.

    We're using it right now to stop the slugs from eating our cucumbers. The slugs are still alive, but they aren't touching our plants' leaves anymore.

    You can buy neem oil yourself and dilute it for use, about 4 teaspoons to a gallon of water. Or you can go to a gardening center and ask for a commercially created product (already diluted) of neem oil. It's often in the organic area.

  3. you can try spreading ashes ,from coal stove on leaves or spread garden lime on the leaves also you can try safers pepper spray or their soap

  4. we use a dust called 'sevin''s safe to use on vegetables....we use it on our potatoes and tomatoes and it does an excellent job of keeping the pests comes in a shaker can or a bag....if you buy the bag (which is a better value) i suggest some type a shaker can to put it into so it's easier to apply.....(we took an empty plastic coffee jar with a s***w top lid and drilled holes in it to make a shaker instead of buying something)

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