
Caterpillar help!?

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it was found in a web nest in the foothills of NC. mostly black with two parallel mustard-colored lines on its back that are seperated by a white line. also has very small, regular, light blue colored dots on its sides..about 10 each side. around two inches long. Fine, white hair all over. sorry i couldnt get a cant focus on him. (i think its a male because his colors were brighter than some of his mates) couldnt find him on any caterpillar sites but im trying to make sure hes getting the right food!! thanks so much!




  1. The "web nest" and "mates" statement makes me thing of tent caterpillars. The size and color descriptions you mention sound like those of the Eastern Tent Caterpillar. Given the time of year, sounds about right for you to see these guys. Post a picture if you get a chance.

  2. The first step in making sure a wild animal is getting the right food is usually to leave it free to find it.

    Even knowing what plants it was found on can be a main part of identification, sometimes.
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