
Catfish for my cichlid tank?

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my tank includes 1 texas, 1 green terror, 1 blue acara, 2 buttifokeri, and 1 botia robusta...all are under 3in. still...i want a catfish compatible with these fish but also one that won't hide all the time...not a pleco i can't stand them they annoy me for some reason...pls let me know if you have kept certain ones or have any suggestions




  1. the sydontis catfish are better suited to the high ph of a cichlid tank

    but there native to the africal lakes.

    im unfortunatly not too familiar with SA cichlids but i belive the sydontis family would do fine...just be sure to get one of the larger species.

    they tend to be hard to find and youll likely need ot special order though.  its worth it hosever as they have interesting personalities, i have 3 right now in my 175 peacock tank!

    i belive clown and botia loaches will also easily adapt to the higher ph of a cichlid tank as long as you dont use much in terms fo aquarium salt,  the loaches tend to be salt intolerant.

  2. Did I not give you good enough options or you maybe like to ask and just get so many opinions you'll end up more confused then when you started? LOL

    There really are quite a few out there you could go with.  I'd just avoid cories, and I've always had good results with Synodontis and Hop Lo's.;...

    What's the deal here?  Why repeating the same issue?

    Mike, I'm stunned here and don't understand.  10 years of keeping cichlids, and you don't know what kind of catfish you can use?;...

    I think Gems has a good alternative with Loaches and Botia's, and the spotted Rapheal probably wouldn't be bad either.  I happen to keep Albino Channel cats in my 180, and they get pretty darn large! LOL  I really like the Hop Lo's very much.  They have character, don't get overly large and have a pretty unique look.  Here let me show you one of my latest ones.  A little fuzzy, but that's my Hop Lo comming to the tank wall to say hi.

    In my opinion, they have their own kind of appeal lol.

    I can link you to a video of the Cuckoo actually doing that in the Lake Tangyangika itself.  It's an African cat though, not sure if being in with the SA's and New Worlds would work, but if you are looking at it as population control for mouthbrooders, which the Buttikoferi's might be, that would be rather unique lol.

    No not really.  He/she really has no issues at all moving around in the tank, even eating right up on the surface which you wouldn't think a catfish would do.  I have Hop Lo's in my 180, 100 and 75 gallon tanks.  I find them ideal because they will get maybe 4-5 inches max size, which isn't small nor too big, and are pretty active.  I can try to shoot a small video clip for you later on maybe.  Might not be able to post it until tomorrow.

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